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Harbour East Community Council March 19, 1997 Agenda



Councillor Ron Cooper, Vice-Chair
Councillor Condo Sarto
Councillor John Cunningham
Deputy Mayor Jack Greenough


Jim Bauld, Manager Solid Waste
Ray Halsey
Kurt Pyle, Planner
Julia Horncastle, Assistant Municipal Clerk


Councillor Harry McInroy
Councillor Bruce Hetherington
Councillor Clint Schofield


1. Call to order

2. Presentation Composting Facilities

3. Adjournment


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.


After opening remarks, Mr. Jim Bauld, introduced Blair McArthur, Miller Waste Systems who, with the aid of a slide presentation, gave an overview of the compost project.

Deputy Mayor Greenough advised concerns had been expressed regarding treatment of leachate on site as well as the impact it may have on the lake system. In response, Mr. McArthur described the collection process and proposed method of treatment of the leachate.

In response to Deputy Mayor Greenough, Community Council was advised the curing stage would be approximately one to one and one half months and, on further clarification, Community Council was advised the material is a mulch type material and would not attract birds.

In response to Councillor Cooper, Community Council was advised the water runoff will not have an impact on the lake as the runoff water will have to meet the receiving water standard as set out by the Department of the Environment.

In response to Deputy Mayor Greenough, Community Council was advised the Province has set the composting standards for the methodology of how the composting will be done and they receive monthly reports on how much composting is being done, what the quality going in and out is, monitor all the test results on any effluent that is being released. The Department of Environment will received reports on a monthly basis. It was further noted that most of the water will go back through the system.

After Councillors were provided an opportunity to ask questions, the chairman opened the floor to a question period by members of the public with the following points reflecting the main concerns of those present:

  • Where and how is the leachate being collected and discharged.
  • Concerned about the facility being built at the edge of a lake system.
  • What are the performance requirements of the contract.
  • Concerned that the facility and site may become an eyesore and may be better suited to a location in the Burnside Industrial Park.
  • What will be the building height restrictions.
  • Will the facility be visible to the residents on the opposite side of the lake.
  • What are the setback requirements.
  • What is the quality of the water being fed into the lakes and streams.
  • What is the start up seed bacteria and where does it come from.
  • What is the start up target date.
  • Will there be a monitoring system to check that the runoff is not going into the ground.
  • Will there be cost sharing between the Municipality and the proponent.
  • Will the community be involved in the monitoring of the system.
  • How may persons would be employed.
  • Will there be a plan in place to deal with emergency situations such as leaks into the system.
  • It was suggested the Webby property entrance be used to access the facility.

At the request of members of the public, the composting presentation was followed by an information session on the collection bins.


MOVED by Councillors Sarto and Cunningham that the meeting be adjourned at 10:20 p.m. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.

Julia Horncastle

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Last Revision: April 9, 1997