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Notes from Halifax CLC Steering Committee Meeting August 1, 2002

George Dixon Recreation Centre


Craig Walkington, Arthur Carter, Owida Downey (until 6:30pm), Bob Downey (until 6:30pm), Alvena Cain, Anne Perry, John Fleming, Ross Cantwell, Irvine Carvery, Councillor Sloane (until 5:45pm)


Mia Rankin


Richard T. Lane (architect), Marcel Deveau (O'Halloran Campbell), Remi Couineau (HREP) Mike Kroger (HRM)


Presentation by Richard Lane

Mr. Lane gave an overview of some of the projects that he has been involved with in Halifax. They include Seaview and North Mews Coops and houses on Artz Street.

Most of original architecture in Halifax was in the Georgian style. This is where he drew his inspiration from in designing the exterior facade of the STP. Mr. Lane felt it was important to draw from the history of the city. He said that the CLC should think of this part of Barrington St. as more than industrial, it should be community oriented. Some examples that he gave for the STP roof top usage included a sport office, a fitness centre, an IT education centre. Since HRM will manage the STP, Mr. Lane suggested that HRM offices could also go on top. All of the design elements for his concept drawings of the STP are in keeping with the Georgian Style; one of those elements is store front windows at street level. The south section of the box of the STP is designed to be landscapable for appearance and for people to gather, but is not designed for structures.



Craig mentioned that Mike Labrecque said that nothing had been decided about what will be on top of the STP. For today, the CLC would like to talk about the bare box. He asked if there was a better way to dress up the plant part of the STP.


Richard Lane reviewed the drawings of the box and outlined the Georgian style features that he had incorporated into the design. The second story of a Georgian style structure is defined by a detailed band. Because of the size of the box, a pitched roof is not feasible. There could be a balustrade or guard rail on the roof.


Irvine asked about having arched windows, to help dress up the box. These windows would be made of brick.


Richard said yes, but remember that these features cannot go through to the inside.


Craig asked about making the exterior appear to be a row of buildings rather than one long building?


Richard asked if there were any plans to change the DND parking lot?


Ross said that DND's plan has been to consolidate all of their property into key areas, the parking lot will likely stay as is.


Ross asked about making the top self financing, a source of revenue?


Craig has had enquiries about the potential removal of mature trees at the north west corner (Barrington and Cornwallis) of the STP.


Remi said that every effort will be made to save as many trees as possible.


Ross asked if the planned expansion area is the only location that has been considered?


Remi said that the expansion is based on the scope of the technology required for the plant i.e.: hydraulics, slope, space, trenching etc.


Ross suggested that everyone needs to think about 20 to 30 years ahead, not just about immediate needs, we need to address the design and location now and the impact it will have on traffic flow and safety on Water Street.


Mike said that one of the recommendations in the Vaughan report was to possibly turn Water Street into a cul-de-sac. There are other options for Water Street.

Wrap Up

Remi on behalf of the HREP, said that he will take the design ideas (arched windows, false windows, and the row of buildings) and work on them and return to a future CLC meeting and present them. The deadline for design is sometime in the Fall, but probably not before the October 10th public meeting. Richard said he will work on the design ideas now.

Review of Notes

The notes from the July 18 th meeting were reviewed and approved.



The draft newsletter was reviewed. Modifications were suggested.

The terms of reference will be left out for now. Should include that a dialogue has begun with the proponent, the public meeting will be an opportunity for the community to become involved, explanation of the integration fund, and that there will be volunteer job descriptions available. Language should be plain English, avoid technical terminology.

Sharon will e-mail the 2 nd draft to everyone before the next meeting.

CLC Member Agreement

How do we reconcile this agreement with the Human Rights complaint?

Irvine felt that the Human Rights complaint is about the process used in determining the site location, he sees no conflict with that and the work of the CLC. Further clarification is required on this issue.


Craig deferred this item until we decide on the make-up of the CLC.


Brent McCombs and other guests

It was agreed in principal that Brent McComb's could be invited to attend CLC meetings once the CLC is duly constituted. Guests will be given a specific place on the agenda, probably at the beginning, and after their item is dealt with they will be expected to leave. It is important to remember that the CLC is a community based and community run committee. It is up to the CLC to make decisions about guests. Craig was asked to make sure that when guests are invited to attend or present at CLC meeting that they should come alone, and if they need to bring another person along, they should notify Craig.



People felt that the presentation was interesting and had positive points about the design of some of the buildings for the top of the STP; however, members felt that it was awkward having the architect who designed the original concept drawings present to hear criticism. At times throughout the presentation it was difficult for him to not to defend his ideas. Are there other design concepts, other than the Georgian style, that the CLC could explore? At the 4 July 2002 meeting, the CLC had requested the services of an independent, objective architect to review this area. It was felt that this objectivity was not attained as Mr. Lane was the original architect, and although a very skilled designer, he could not be perceived as objective and independent. The CLC would like access to the services of an independent architect to review the exterior design elements of the STP box.


Work Required for October 10th

Craig reminded everyone that this is a working committee, and that everyone needs to share in the work. Ross said he will draft some volunteer job descriptions and come up with some ideas on the make up of the CLC. Sharon will e-mail the Dartmouth CLC information to Ross.

We need to address the boundary issue especially with relation to the expenditure of the integration fund.


Sharon to gather information on the functions of an Ex-officio member of a committee. We need to decide on what role ex-officio members will play on the CLC.


Next Meeting

Monday, August 19 th - 5:30pm George Dixon Recreation Centre, upstairs in the Games Room.

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