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Halifax Community Liaison Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 6, 2004

George Dixon Community Recreation Centre

Present: Craig Walkington, Anne Perry, Owida Downey, Sharon Laframboise, Maureen Strickland, Arthur Carter, Fred Connors, Clarke Cromwell, Sharon Martin

Alvena Cain

Guests: Deborah Story, James Campbell
1. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 6:05pm.

Review of Notes from December 16, 2004 Meeting – Moved by Clarke, second by Owida to accept the notes from December 16, 2003 meeting. Carried


Feedback from Additional Question Raised at 16 December 2003 Meeting 
– James Campbell or Deborah Story 

James confirmed with Ted Tam regarding Mr. Cromwell's concern that Oland's (and perhaps others) would be trucking their waste (yeast) and other materials/by-products to the Halifax STP for disposal. Ted said unequivocally that this would not be happening. The plants are not designed to accept waste or other materials this way. They will only be
treating what arrives at the plant via the sewage collection system. 

Maureen asked whether any progress had been made in organizing the meeting to discuss the Rogers/Palermo presentation with various HRM departments as discussed at the 2 December 2003 meeting. See notes below in Other Business on this matter. 

It was suggested that Harbour Solutions should organize a public forum to give an update on the progress of the project to date. It has been a long time since they have done this. It would not be appropriate to piggyback the Forum with the CLC vision meeting on February 2nd.



Visioning Meeting:

  1. Date: Monday, February 2, 2004. (Note: Alternative date is 9 Feb 04)
  2. Time: 7pm to 9pm
  3. Names: Confirmed - Frank Palermo, Reverend Moriah, Ross Cantwell
    Tentative - Shauntay Grant, Maureen MacDonald, Dawn Sloane
    By Thursday - Alvena to confirm Shauntay Grant, Sharon M. to confirm Tracey Jones, Craig and Anne to meet with Councillor Sloane
    It is important to review the ground rules with the speakers. The rules will be strictly adhered to. We need the job/position titles and a short biography for the moderator to introduce each speaker.
  4. Format of the Visioning Meeting
    There was much discussion around the name of the event. Deborah agreed to take the ideas discussed this evening and come up with a name and graphic for the event. It was agreed that whatever name and graphic is developed, the CLC would like to use it over and over again in their literature and public communication as a masthead. They would like the community to learn to associate the name and graphic with the Halifax CLC.

    It was agreed that the word or idea of a “vision” should be captured in the name somewhere. Vision is key. It should be a catchy title, with two words. The title should evoke emotion, inspiration and imagination, optimism and forward thinking. CLC member can e-mail their ideas to Deborah at or they can phone in ideas to her at 490-6787 or call James at 490-4604.

    Natasha Jackson will review the ground rules with the speakers about 10 mins before the event begins. Natasha, the speakers and CLC members are asked to arrive at 6:30pm. Speakers will be asked submit a brief biography of themselves, for Natasha to read out. Biographies will be sent to Craig who will edit them. There will be no overhead or power point presentations; speakers will be permitted to bring static displays. 

    There will be no breaks during the event. Refreshments will be made available. Sharon M. will arrange refreshments: Coffee, cold drinks and cookies. Craig will do a brief introduction and overview, and he will introduce Natasha.

Other Business :

  1. How to Promote the Visioning Meeting
    It was agreed that a letter of invitation would be sent out to special guests. Owida read out the letter. All agreed that Owida’s letter was excellent and will be very effective in drawing out key members of the community to the event. Owida read out a list of the guests to be invited, all agreed with the names. Owida and her husband will hand deliver the letters of invitation. Sharon L. will type up the draft letter and email it to Craig, Craig will edit it and sign it and give it back to Owida for delivery. 

    Anne will draft a letter/invitation to the presenters, Sharon L. to type and send to Craig for editing. Anne will sign. Craig will send to James. James will make invitations and mail out. Anne to give James the addresses for presenters.
    James gave an overview of how the event will be promoted. Public Service Announcements will be sent to all radio stations, Global TV community bulletin 
    board, Breakfast Television, Community FM Radio Station that HRM subscribes to, Posters and a Flyer.

    Owida will put an announcement in the Church Bulletin. 

    Maureen will write a short paragraph about the event for a public service announcement and send it to Craig who will send it to Deborah by Friday.

    Discussion took place around how to record the proceedings. Maureen will look into getting a video camera and someone to use it. Deborah will get a tape recorder so that we can also have an audiotape of the proceedings.
  2. Design Ideas Meeting with HRM Staff - It was agreed that the CLC should ask Frank Palermo and George Rogers to do a presentation of the design and planning ideas for the STP and surrounding area. James and Deborah will ensure that HRM staff that have attended CLC meetings in the past will come to this presentation. The purpose of the presentation is to keep the lines of communication open between the CLC and the various HRM departments who are working on projects in this community. The CLC wants to foster an environment of idea sharing and information exchange so that we are not working at cross-purposes. Sharon M. to send Deborah and James a list of HRM staff. This meeting will take place on Monday February 23rd. The Mayor will be invited to attend. Craig suggested that a meeting between James/Deborah George Rogers and Frank Palermo should occur first to lay the groundwork for the larger meeting.

Next Meeting Date – 6:00pm on Tuesday, 20 January 2004 at the George Dixon Centre.


Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at  7:20pm.


Please advise Sharon Martin at 490-4567 or e-mail at or Craig Walkington at 420-2751(W) /422-6968(H) or e-mail at if you are not able to attend the meetings.

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