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Halifax Community Liaison Committee Meeting Tuesday October 2, 2002

George Dixon Community Recreation Centre


Arthur Carter, Mr & Mrs Downey, Alvina Cain, Anne Perry, Dawn Sloan


Call to Order - Mr. John Fleming called the meeting to order at 5:35pm.


Review- Where Are We To Date?

Six perspective Candidates have picked up packages.

A re-print of News letters will be distributed by Friday. Councilor Sloane has arranged for a member of the community to deliver them.


Overview of Meeting For October 10,2002

Who will be the six representatives for the two groups? Groups should inform Sharon by October 8,2002 so that their names can be inserted into the power point presentation.

Rev Pendleton will chair the meeting, Rev Moriah will assist with counting the voted along with two Police Officers Cedric and Larry.

Dawn will complete the power point presentation over the next few days, and then meet with Sharon on Monday October 7, 2002 to go over everything and see if there have to be some changes.


Rules For Voting

The first six people with the most votes will be elected to the CLC. If there is a tie between sixth and seventh place, there will be another vote between these people.

Each person can only vote for one person, if more than one name on the ballot has a check mark beside it, then the ballot is considered spoiled. If it is not easily apparent on the ballot, who is being voted for, the ballot will be considered spoiled.

Dawn should have all the Nominee's names by October 8,2002, so that she can insert them into the power point presentation.

Sharon and Tammy will prepare an agenda for Octobe 10,2002 meeting. Everyone will be sent a draft copy for comments.

There will be four voting posts set up and four scrutineers. Each scrutineer wil be assisgned to a post. Larry Tench, Cedric Upshaw, Rev Pendleton, and Rev Moriah will be the scrutineers.

Sharon will ask HRM's communication staff to send out a press release announcing the meeting.

Sharon to call Tony Blouin and ask if himto update the HRM web page, informing them that they have until October 7, 2002 4:30pm to turn in their nomination packages.

Prepare four binders with the biography's of the nominee's for the public to review.

Commitee members should arrive by 6:30pm in case there are any last minute adjustments that have to be made.


Consideration for New CLC

The new CLC will need to establish some guidlines/ protocals for people to observe or sit in on a meeting.

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