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North West Planning Advisory Committee

1. Call to order

2. Approval of minutes - September 3, 2008

3. Approval of the order of business and approval of additions and deletions

4. Business arising out of the minutes

5. Reports:

5.1 Case 01120: Full Service Restaurants with Accessory Drive Thru Functions - Sackville Drive Land Use By-law  - 1.68 MB{Miles Agar}

5.2 Case 00908: Development Agreement - expansion of Timber Trails Mobile Home Park, Lucasville Road, Hammonds Plains - 2.77 MB {Leticia Smillie}

5.3 Case 00970 - Bedford West Development Agreement, Sub Area 2 - 7.59 MB {Andrew Bone}

6. Status updates

6.1 Monthly status sheet
6.2 Decisions of Council

7. Added items

8. Next regular meeting date - Wednesday, November 5, 2008

9. Adjourn