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North West Planning Advisory Committee

1. Call to order

2. Approval of minutes - September 2, 2009 (regular meeting) and September 23, 2009 (public meeting)

3. Approval of the order of business and approval of additions and deletions

4. Business arising out of the minutes

5. Case 01340 - Rezoning of 70 Torrington Drive, Bedford {Jillian MacLellan}

6. Case 01186 - Amendments to the Beaver Bank, Hammonds Plains & Upper Sackville MPS and LUB {Miles Agar}

7. Case 01344 - Bedford South Non-substantive Amendments - Neighbourhoods D, E and Commercial Areas {Andrew Bone}

8. Case 01343 - Bedford South Non-substantive Amendments - Neighbourhood B {Andrew Bone}

9. Status updates

9.1 Monthly status sheet

10. Added items

11. Next regular meeting date - Wednesday, December 2, 2009

12. Adjourn


1. Case 01323: MPS Amendments - Sackville/Sackville Drive

2. Case 01311: Papermill Lake CCDD MPS Amendment, Bedford