Skip to content. Accessibility info.NORTH WEST PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE
September 1, 2010 - 7:00 p.m.
Nauss Room, Lebrun Centre
1. Call to order
2. Approval of minutes - July 7, 2010
3. Approval of the order of business and approval of additions and deletions
4. Business arising out of the minutes
5. Reports:
5.1 Supplementary Report - Case 01250: Development Agreement - 827 Bedford Highway, Bedford
5.2 Case 15853: Development Agreement - 1727 Sackville Drive, Sackville
5.3 Case 16212: Non-substantive Amendment for 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 Meadowbrook Drive, Bedford
5.4 Case 16026: Development Agreement and Discharging Agreement - Crossfield Subdivision, Sackville
6. Status updates:
6.1 Decisions of Council
6.2 Monthly status sheet
7. Added items
8. Next regular meeting date - Wednesday, October 6, 2010 (Fenerty Room, Sackville Library)
9. Adjourn