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North West Planning Advisory Committee Agenda
April 4, 2007

Program Room, Sackville Library
7:00-9:00 p.m.

1. Call to order

2. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

3. Approval of the order of business and approval of additions and deletions

4. Approval of the minutes of November 20, 2006 and January 3, 2007

5. Business arising out of the minutes

6. Reports

6.1 Case 00950 - Bedford Land Use By-law Amendment - CHWY Zone {Andrew Bone}
6.2 Case 00963 - Sackville Drive Land Use By-law Amendment - Service and Personal Service Shops in the LS (Large Scale Commercial Zone {Leticia Smillie}
6.3 Case 01021 - Amendment to the BP (Business Park) and BP-1 (Business Park-1) Zones in the Sackville Land Use By-law {Andrew Bone}
6.4 Case 00994 - Sackville Drive Land Use By-law Amendment - Residential Care Facilities in the Pinehill/Cobequid Zone {Leticia Smillie}
6.5 Case 00964 - Application to rezone 43, 47, 51, 55, 50, 63, 67, 67A, 71, 75, 79, 88 and 87 Nordic Crescent, Sackville {Joseph Driscoll}

7. Status updates

7.1 Monthly status sheet
7.2 Decisions of Community Council

8. Added items

9. Next regular meeting date - May 2, 2007

10. Adjourn


1. Information Report - Community Visioning - Pilot Project Update