Wednesday, April 2, 2008
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Halifax Hall, City Hall
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - March 5, 2008
3. Approval of Agenda - Additions/Deletions
4. Business Arising out of the Minutes and
Deferred Business / Status Sheet Items:
4.1 Business Arising out of the Minutes and
Deferred Business:
4.1.1 Visit to View Civic Artifacts
4.2 Status Sheet:
4.2.1 Public Art Policy
4.2.2 Cultural Functional Plan 2008-2011
4.2.3 Cultural Capitals Designation - Update
4.2.4 Update Khyber/Alderney Gate Landing RFP
5. New Business:
5.1 Review the Status of Action Plan 2006 - 2008
6. Added Items
7. Next Meeting Date - April 2, 2008
8. Adjournment
Information Items: