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Chebucto Community Council December 9, 1996 Agenda


  • Councillor Bill Stone, Chair 
  • Councillors: Russell Walker 
  • Ron Hanson 
  • Stephen D. Adams 


  • Gerry Goneau, Municipal Solicitor 
  • Brian Smith, Director of Transportation 
  • Sandra Shute, Assistant Municipal Clerk


1. Invocation

2. Approval of Minutes - November 4, 1996

3. Approval of the Order of Business and Approval of Additions and Deletions

4. Business Arising Out of the Minutes

5. Motions of Reconsideration

6. Motions of Rescission

7. Consideration of Deferred Business

8. Public Hearings

    8.1 Case 7392 - Rezoning of 6 Melody Drive, Halifax from P (Park and Institutional) to R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling) - District 16

9. Correspondence, Petitions and Delegations

    9.1 Correspondence 
    9.2 Delegation
      9.2.1 David White re Proposed Transit Area Rate

10. Reports

    10.1 Adoption of Meeting Schedule

11. Motions

12. Added Items

    12.1 Appointment of Planning Advisory Committee

13. Notices of Motion

14. Public Participation

15. Next Meeting Date

16. Adjournment


The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with an Invocation. The meeting was held at 2750 Dutch Village Road.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - November 4, 1996

MOVED by Councillors Walker and Hanson to approve the Minutes of meeting held on November 4, 1996 as circulated. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.


Added Items: Correspondence: Letter from Halifax Planning Advisory Committee dated December 2, 1996 re possible appointment of Planning Advisory Committee.

Reports: Case 7366 - Stage II Schedule "K" Development Agreement, Clayton Park West, Phase 3B.

MOVED by Councillors Walker and Adams to defer the Staff Report on Case 7366 - Stage II Schedule "K" Development Agreement, Clayton Park West, Phase 3B to the January 6, 1997 meeting. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.

MOVED by Councillors Walker and Adams to approve the Order of Business as amended. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.






    8.1 Case 7392 - Rezoning of 6 Melody Drive, Halifax from P (Park and Institutional) to R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling - District 16 Shelley Dickey, Planner provided an overview of the Staff Report dated October 22, 1996. When the inquiry was received as to why the property was zoned Park and Institutional, it was determined that there had been a mapping error sometime between 1969 and 1977. Even though this is a zoning error, it was necessary to go through the zoning process. If the rezoning is approved, it would permit the dwelling to be conforming, permit consolidation of the property and allow the dwelling to be used for uses permitted in the R-2 zone, as is the remainder of Melody Drive. Staff was recommending approval of the rezoning.

Questions from Council

Councillor Stone asked for clarification that there had been R-2 designation on the property at one time. In response, Ms. Dickey stated that it had been R-2 in 1969 and the recommendation was to go back to the R-2 zoning even though it was a single family dwelling.

Councillor Walker asked why, in 1978, the property had been left out. In reply, Ms. Dickey said that mapping at that time was not as detailed as today and she did not think it was intended to include the dwelling when the church zoning was changed. The dwelling was never part of the church or used for church purposes.

Speaker in Favour

Ms. Kathryn Carrigan advised that she and her husband, Richard Sanders, were the owners of 6 Melody Drive and she wanted to indicate her support for the application.

Speaker in Opposition

There were no speakers opposed to the application.

Decision by Council

MOVED by Councillors Hanson and Walker that the application by Halifax Regional Municipality and Richard Sanders to rezone 6 Melody Drive, Halifax from P (Park and Institutional) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling) as shown on Map 3 of the Staff Report dated October 22, 1996 be approved. MOTION PUT AND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.


9.1 Correspondence

MOVED by Councillors Adams and Hanson to receive a letter of congratulations from Geoff Regan, M.P. regarding the inaugural meeting of Chebucto Community Council. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.

9.2 Delegations

9.2.1 Proposed Transit Area Rate for White's Transit

A proposal prepared by David White, owner/operator of White's Transit was before Community Council. Mr. White provided an overview of his proposal to maintain the current level of service and expansion plans to serve a broader area. The area he serviced at this time was the former area of District 5 - Sambro/Williamswood/Harrietsfield. The area rate he was requesting was $.026/$100 of assessment which meant that someone with a home assessed at $100,000 would pay $26.00 per year.

Councillor Walker asked what type of vehicles Mr. White had and what he charged for his services. In reply, Mr. White advised he had a 15 passenger van and a 29 passenger vehicle which he used for other work. Monthly charges were $93.60 including tax. One way to South Centre Mall was $2.50.

On a question from Councillor Adams as to how many regular monthly customers Mr. White had, Mr. White replied he had 10-15 but there were also part time customers.

Public Participation on Proposed Transit Area Rate

Mr. Paul Griffiths said he lived in the area serviced by Mr. White and he was supportive of the service provided by Mr. White for the past three years. The dollar value was good. It would eliminate the requirement for a second vehicle.

On a question from Councillor Adams as to how much Mr. Griffiths used the service, he replied that he worked shift work and could use it only every third week.

Mr. Joe Burgoyne, Ketch Harbour said he saw Mr. White's van go by and sometimes there were only two or three people on board. He suggested raising the fares, i.e. from $2.50 to $3.00 or $3.50 rather than saddling the taxpayer once more.

Mr. Terry Hurley said he also observed the van go by and it was not full many times. Branching out into another area would be an added cost and if Mr. White could not afford what he was already doing, then why take on a new area. 15 people from the Sambro area was a minute few. He was single and when he became a homeowner he found out he had to pay school tax. Now he did not want to be stuck with another tax for a service he would never use. This was a bad time for additional taxes.

Mr. Alan Dempsey, Ketch Harbour stated he and his wife did not work downtown. An increase of $26 a year would be for the transportation of other people when he could barely afford the transportation for himself and his wife. If there had to be an area rate, a school tax was much more important.

Mr. Don Cumming, East Pennant said he lived at least three miles from any point where he could pick up Mr. White's transport. Adding an area rate, when taxes were onerous enough, was not something he wished to contemplate. He has been paying for street lighting for years and yet he could not see a street light from his house. Mr. White's system might be worthy but no one should be asked to support it by taxes.

Mr. Rene Gallant, Williamswood stated, in his opinion, the debate was how to use public funds and, in this case, to prop up a private business. He was opposed to that and, if the proposal was approved, it would be setting a dangerous precedent. He asked why this proposal was being discussed and how it had gotten to Community Council, particularly when the future tax structure was unknown at this time.

Mr. White, given the opportunity to clarify some of the comments made, said he might have a private company but he lived in the area and hoped to lower taxes in the area by making the area grow. The money has to come from somewhere and it was upon the people to take the responsibility and help maintain the service. $26 per household was not a lot of money and a small price to pay. He was trying to help the community and was not trying to take anyone's money without justifying the service.

Councillor Stone asked if Mr. White would be receptive to raising the rates for users. In reply, Mr. White said that increased rates might be higher than he would like in order to cover expenses. The issue was at least to maintain the service and he required a new van to keep maintenance costs down.

Councillor Stone asked how Mr. White would answer the question of using public money for a private business. Mr. White, in reply, said the business has been in operation for three years and he would like to keep it. It was unfortunate that he had come to this point but to maintain it, it would have to be done this way.

On a question from Councillor Walker as to how much the area rate was expected to raise, Mr. White replied he was asking for $21,000 this year and $25,000 after that.

Councillor Adams, in response to Mr. Gallant's question as to how this matter had gotten on the Agenda for Community Council, advised that there had been a request and he wanted to hear what people had to say in order to judge fairly and openly. This was how to find out.

MOVED by Councillors Adams and Walker to request a Staff Report regarding the proposal for an area rate and, in addition, that staff explore other alternatives.Further, that the report be received as soon as possible. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.

Mr. Brian Smith, Director of Transportation, on a question regarding when the report would be ready, advised that Regional Council would be starting deliberations on the tax structure tomorrow evening and he would like to hear the results before any figures were considered and the Staff Report was prepared.


    10.1 Adoption of Meeting Schedule

    MOVED by Councillors Adams and Walker to adopt the meeting schedule for the first six months of 1997. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.

    On a question from Councillor Walker with regard to public notification of Community Council meetings, the Community Council Clerk advised that residents on the mailing list would be provided with a copy of the Agenda for the meetings. Access Halifax, the Mail Star and the Daily News had been asked to include meeting dates as part of their community notices. A "Hot Line" for Community Councils would be published in the Bluepages of the new telephone book in April whereby residents could obtain information on where and when all Community Council meetings would be held.

11. MOTIONS - None


    12.1 Appointment of Planning Advisory Committee

    A letter dated December 2, 1996 from Halifax Planning Advisory Committee was before Community Council. The Committee was offering to continue to serve Community Council as an advisory committee with regard to planning matters.

    Councillor Stone advised that Community Council members have decided that at this time they would carry out the planning advisory function as part of the Community Council process.

    MOVED by Councillors Adams and Hanson to advise the Chair of Halifax Planning Advisory Committee of Community Council's decision and thank him for his input. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.



Ms. Stella Campbell, 10 Southill Drive stated it appeared that decisions regarding area rates took a great deal of time. As a taxpayer of Halifax, she was recommending a flat tax rate as used by the former City of Halifax.

Councillor Adams, referring to the possibility of a flat tax rate, stated that until assessments are a reflection of services received - and not property values - a flat rate would not work in the former County. He saw nothing wrong with using the same tax structures that were in place previously.

Mr. Rene Gallant spoke in favour of a tax rate based on level of service.

Ms. Mary McGrath, 33 Hamshaw Drive stated she had the benefit of the City tax rate but did not receive City services. She referred to the possibility of a suburban rate which, in her opinion, would reflect her situation. She did not support a flat tax and was not happy paying for supplementary funding for education.

Mr. Dan Chadrawe, 153 Spinnaker Drive raised the following points:

  • He referred to a traffic study to improve traffic in the greater Halifax area. In his opinion, there could be improvements to the Armdale Rotary at very low cost which would improve traffic flow. He asked if anything would be done, perhaps in the next two years, as it was affecting his business. In response, Councillor Stone stated that if Mr. Chadrawe had some concrete proposals that would not cost a lot of money, everyone would like to know about it. It was hoped that money might become available through the infrastructure program before the next federal election.
  • He had attended the first meeting of Halifax Peninsula Community Council at which time a Public Hearing date was set for the Macdonald Bridge expansion which could impact on anyone. He asked what happened if something happened in another Community Council area which affected people in other areas as well, such as planning issues. In response, the Chair advised that in the case of the bridge, a report would have to go back to Regional Council. In the case of planning issues, staff would have been involved in the planning process and all the Councils did not have to get involved. Councillors did receive copies of all Agendas for Community Councils and would have to take note of issues. Also, citizens would have to be on guard for anything that might affect them.

Councillor Hanson added that Councillors were working on everyone's behalf and trying to do their best to represent the new community. Currently, this was a transition period and they were trying to make things work. Councillor Walker went on to say that if there was an issue being considered by another Community Council that might affect the Chebucto area, Mr. Chadrawe could rest assured that Councillors would be there representing the citizens of the Chebucto area and the matter would be on the Agenda of Chebucto Community Council.

15. NEXT MEETING - Monday, January 6, 1997


Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. with best wishes from Community Council members for the holiday season.

Vi Carmichael 
Municipal Clerk