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Chebucto Community Council Novemeber 4, 1996 Agenda


  • Mayor Walter Fitzgerald
  • Councillor Bill Stone, Chair
  • Councillors: Russell Walker 
  • Ron Hanson 
  • Stephen D. Adams 


  • Barry Allen, Municipal Solicitor 
  • Vi Carmichael, Municipal Clerk 
  • Angus Schaffenburg, Planner
  • Sandra Shute, Assistant Municipal Clerk


1. Invocation

2. Installation of Community Council Members

3. Election of Chairman

4. Approval of the Order of Business and Approval of Additions and Deletions

5. Adoption of Rules of Procedure

6. Correspondence, Petitions and Delegations

7. Reports 

    7.1 Prohibition of Motorized Craft on Small Lakes 
    7.2 Case 7153 - Stage II Schedule "K" Development Agreement, Clayton Park West, Phase 3A 
    7.3 Case 7389 - Extension of Development Agreement Time Limit, Melville Ridge Holdings Limited

8. Motions

9. Added Items

    9.1 Traffic Lights - Chain Lake Drive 
    9.2 Break Ins - District 15 
    9.3 Caution Light - Lieblin Drive and Old Sambro Road

10. Notices of Motion

11. Public Participation

12. Next Meeting

13. Adjournment

On this date, the first meeting of Chebucto Community Council was held at the former Halifax County Building, 2750 Dutch Village Road, Halifax.


Crier Ron Amey, after leading Mayor Walter Fitzgerald and the members of Chebucto Community Council into the Chambers, introduced the Community Council members and wished them well in their future endeavours. Following this, Mayor Fitzgerald thanked the Crier and read the Invocation.


The members of Chebucto Community Council - Councillor Russell Walker - District 15 - Fairview-Clayton Park, Councillor Bill Stone - District 16 - Prince's Lodge-Clayton Park West, Councillor Ron Hanson - District 17 - Purcell's Cove-Armdale and Councillor Stephen Adams - District 18 - Spryfield-Herring Cove were duly sworn in.

After comments from Mayor Fitzgerald regarding the mandate of Community Councils, Councillors Stone, Hanson and Adams took the opportunity to make opening remarks regarding the formation of Chebucto Community Council.


MOVED by Councillors Hanson and Adams that Councillor Stone be nominated as Chairman.

As there were no further nominations, Councillor Stone was declared Chairman and took the Chair.

Councillor Stone thanked his colleagues for their trust. He declared a recess for a Reception at approximately 7:30 p.m. and invited members of the public to attend.

The meeting resumed at 8:00 p.m.


The Clerk advised of the addition of letters of congratulations from the three Community Councils: Harbour East, North West and Marine Drive, Valley and Canal.

Added Items: Councillor Walker: Traffic Lights - Chain Lake Drive

Break Ins - District 15

Councillor Adams: Caution Light - Top of Lieblin Drive on Old

Sambro Road

MOVED by Councillors Adams and Hanson to approve the order of business as amended. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.


MOVED by Councillors Adams and Walker to approve the Rules of Procedure as circulated. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.


    6.1 Correspondence

The three letters of congratulation from members of Harbour East, North West and Marine Drive, Valley and Canal Community Councils were received with appreciation.


    7.1 Prohibition of Motorized Craft in Small Lakes

    A Staff Report dated September 25, 1996 regarding Prohibition of Motorized Craft in Small Lakes was before Community Council. The Chair explained that this matter had been before Regional Council but it was requested that comment be received from Community Councils. He went on to say that most of the report dealt with Dartmouth lakes and, as it concerned Halifax lakes, there were no motorized craft allowed on lakes except for Kearney Lake. Last year, Kearney Lake went through a three-month public involvement to arrange a procedure whereby the lake could be divided for some allowance for motorized craft to a particular horsepower.

    MOVED by Councillors Hanson and Walker to retain the status quo as arranged by the former City of Halifax. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.

    7.2 Case 7153 - Stage II Schedule "K" Development Agreement, Clayton Park West, Phase 3A

    A Staff Report dated October 8, 1996 was before Community Council involving an application by Clayton Developments Limited.

    MOVED by Councillors Hanson and Walker to accept the recommendations contained in the Staff Report, namely:

    1. Grant Stage II approval under Schedule "K" of the Halifax Land Use

    by-law (Mainland Area) to Phase 3A of Clayton Park West as per the draft agreement attached to the Staff Report as attachment III.

    2. Require that the Development Agreement be signed within one hundred and twenty days or any extension thereof granted by Council on request of the applicant, from the date of final approval of Halifax Regional Municipality Council and any other bodies as necessary whichever approval is later, otherwise this approval will be void and obligations arising hereunder shall be at an end.

    3. Recommend to Halifax Regional Council cost sharing in the amount of $275,000 for oversized sewers (Account 80024-6000) and $90,000 for oversized streets (Account 80025-6000).


    7.3 Case 7389 - Extension of Development Agreement Time Limit, Melville Ridge Holdings Limited

    A Staff Report dated October 8, 1996 was before Community Council containing a request for extension of Development Agreement Time Limit for Melville Ridge Holdings Limited. The recommendation from staff was to extend the completion date to December 31, 1997 for Phase IV, Melville Ridge.

    The Chair pointed out that because it was a request for an extension to the Development Agreement, a Public Hearing was not required.

    MOVED by Councillors Hanson and Adams to grant an extension of the Development Agreement to December 31, 1999 to allow the applicant to proceed with the project, recognizing that the market is soft and that the request is reasonable.

    Councillor Walker asked for comments from staff.

    Mr. Angus Schaffenburg, Planner explained that one of the alternatives outlined in the Staff Report was for a three-year extension to December 31, 1999; however, staff had suggested one year as being reasonable. The Staff Report provided a rationale for one year recognizing there were other issues that would be coming forward to Community Council within the next few months which could have a bearing on Phase IV.

    On a question from Councillor Walker as to how the public would be notified if the extension was allowed for three years, Mr. Schaffenburg replied that in consultation with Councillor Hanson, something could be arranged such as the Councillor's Newsletter to let the public know what the implications of the extension would be.


8. MOTIONS - None


    9.1 Traffic Lights - Chain Lake Drive

    Councillor Walker acknowledged that traffic lights had been installed at the Price Club-Kent/Chain Lake Drive intersection; however, asked that a Staff Report be prepared as to the feasibility of a delayed advance light coming out of Kent Building Supplies as he had received calls regarding the short time allowed to turn left at present.

    It was agreed to request the report.

    9.2 Break Ins - District 15

    Councillor Walker advised that he has received a number of calls expressing concern with break ins in District 15. He requested that a report be obtained from the Police Department on the number of break ins, if anyone has been caught and how the Police Department will go about providing better police visibility throughout District 15 as concern has been expressed over very little visibility at this time. He pointed out that the break ins seemed to be occurring in the morning and afternoon.

    It was agreed to request the report.

    9.3 Caution Light - Lieblin Drive and Old Sambro Road

    Councillor Adams requested that Traffic and Planning be requested to investigate the possibility of placing a caution light at the intersection of Old Sambro Road and Lieblin Drive, flashing both ways going towards Sambro and Spryfield.

    It was agreed to forward the request.



Councillor David Hendsbee, District 3 - Preston-Porters Lake, Chairman, Marine Drive, Valley and Canal Community Council extended congratulations to Chebucto Community Council and wished Councillors all the best in their endeavours.

Mr. William Phillips, 9 Crestview Drive referred to the motion just passed with regard to Melville Holdings and, although he did not have any particular objection to the motion, said he would have been more comfortable if the residents of the affected area who have been following the development could have been notified prior to the meeting as to what was being considered. In his opinion, Councillor Hanson's motion was precipitate as staff had recommended a one-year extension whereas the motion was for extension to 1999. In reply, the Chair stated that Community Council members would make note of his concern and would try to communicate better in the future. He added that a mailing list of interested residents in the Chebucto area would be compiled in an effort to provide better communication.

Mr. Bob Zinck, 118 Doull Avenue expressed appreciation that the railway crossing at Crown Drive had been upgraded.

Mr. Gerry Saunders, 7 Milson Avenue requested that grading of the street going over the railway track on Springvale Avenue be improved. As well, he expressed concern that Springvale Avenue itself needed upgrading. In reply, Councillor Hanson advised that this was proposed in the upcoming capital budget process.

Mr. Gus Wedderburn, 76 Braemount Drive suggested the possibility of a flashing light or stop light to control the traffic on Lacewood Drive as it was difficult to get out of Braemount Drive during peak hours.

Mr. Gerard Walsh, 65 Bayview Road referred to Public Participation being scheduled at the end of the meeting and asked if there would be an opportunity, in future, for members of the public to make comments on items when they are up for discussion which, in his opinion, would be the appropriate time rather than after the fact. Community Council members agreed to take the matter under advisement.


Monday, December 9, 1996 at the former Halifax County building, 2750 Dutch Village Road


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Vi Carmichael 
Municipal Clerk