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Chebucto Community Council January 6, 1997 Agenda

THOSE PRESENT: Councillor Stone, Chairman
  • Councillor Adams
  • Councillor Walker
  • ALSO PRESENT: Barry Allen, Municipal Solicitor
  • Gary Porter, Planner
  • Stephen Feist, Planner
  • Brian Smith, Director of Transportation
  • Sandra Shute, Assistant Municipal Clerk
  • Regrets: Councillor Hanson


  • 1. Invocation
  • 2. Approval of Minutes - December 9, 1996
  • 3. Approval of the Order of Business and Approval of Additions and Deletions
  • 4. Business Arising Out of the Minutes
  • 5. Motions of Reconsideration
  • 6. Motions of Rescission
  • 7. Public Hearing
    • 7.1 Case 7382 - Amendment to Development Agreement - 50 Shoreham Lane
  • 8. Consideration of Deferred Business
    • 8.1 Case 7366 - Stage II Schedule "K" Development Agreement, Clayton Park West, Phase 3B
  • 9. Correspondence, Petitions and Delegations
    • 9.1 Correspondence
  • 10. Reports
    • 10.1 Request for Funding - White's Transit
  • 11. Motions
  • 12. Added Items
    • 12.1 Hot Line for Community Councils
    • 12.2 Case 7345 - Proposed Amendments to the Municipal Development Plan and the Land Use By-law for Halifax especting Service Station and Motor Vehicle Repair Shops
    • 12.3 The Lord's Prayer
    • 12.4 256-258 Bedford Highway - C-2A Zone
  • 13. Notices of Motion
  • 14. Public Participation
  • 15. Next Meeting
  • 16. Adjournment


The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with an Invocation. The meeting was held at 2750 Dutch Village Road.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 9, 1996

MOVED by Councillors Adams and Walker to approve the Minutes of meeting held on December 9, 1996 as circulated. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.



Added Items: Correspondence: 10 letters in support of White's Transit request

3 letters in opposition to White's Transit request

Reports: Verbal report re installation of Community Council "Hot Line"

Case 7345: Proposed Amendments to the Municipal Development Plan and the Land Use By-law for Halifax

respecting service station and motor vehicle repair shops.

Councillor Walker: The Lord's Prayer

Councillor Stone: 256-258 Bedford Highway - C2A Zone

It was agreed to hold the Public Hearing prior to consideration of Deferred Business.

MOVED by Councillors Adams and Walker to approve the Order of Business as amended. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.





7.1 Case 7382 - Amendment to Development Agreement - 50 Shoreham Lane

Gary Porter, Planner, with the aid of an overhead map, provided an overview of the Staff Report dated November 25, 1996. The request was from B. K. Raju, Melville Ridge Holdings Limited to amend the existing Development Agreement to allow the occupancy of the existing Melville Lodge Nursing Home to increase from 100 beds to 120 beds. The additional 20 beds did not require any structural changes or additions to the building; they were added by placing a second bed in the larger rooms, a licence for which was issued previously by Department of Social Services. On the basis that there would be no changes to the building and the extra beds would not cause the maximum allowance for density to be exceeded, staff was recommending approval of the additional 20 beds.

Questions from Council

Councillor Stone asked why, as part of the request to the province for the extra 20 beds, the province did not come to the Municipality for approval. In reply, Mr. Porter said he was not aware that they checked in this particular type of case.

Councillor Stone asked when the approval from the province had been received to which Mr. Porter replied approximately 1990.

Clarifying the overall density for Councillor Walker, Mr. Porter said that the additional 20 beds would not put the density over. There was still room to expand.

Speakers in Favour

Mr. B. K. Raju, a principal of Melville Ridge Holdings Limited explained that the extra 20 beds have been provided for in the building and have been in use for the last several years. The occupancy permit in 1987 was for 100 beds but it was only in 1996, when they were going through mortgage financing, that it was discovered that there was no occupancy permit for the additional 20 beds.

On a question from Councillor Walker as to how many residents were in the whole development, Mr. Raju replied approximately 375.

Mr. William Phillips, Crestview Drive stated he was in support of the application. Facilities such as this were very much in demand these days.

Speaker in Opposition

There were no speakers in opposition to the application.

Decision by Council

MOVED by Councillors Adams and Walker to approve an amendment to the Development Agreement for 50 Shoreham Lane to allow the occupancy of the existing Melville Lodge Nursing Home to increase from 100 beds to 120 beds. Further that the Development Agreement shall be signed within 120 days, or any extension thereof granted by Council on request of the applicant, from the date of final approval by Council and any other bodies as necessary, whichever is later; otherwise, this approval will be void and obligations arising hereunder shall be at an end. MOTION PUT AND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.


8.1 Case 7366 - Stage II Schedule "K" Development Agreement, Clayton Park West, Phase 3B

Stephen Feist, Planner provided an overview, with the aid of an overhead map, of the application by Clayton Developments Limited as outlined in the Staff Report dated December 2, 1996.

Councillor Stone requested that staff keep in mind that when development is taking place, walkways should be constructed at the same time.

MOVED by Councillors Walker and Adams to accept the recommedations contained in the Staff Report, namely:

1. Grant Stage II approval under Schedule "K" of the Halifax Land Use By-law (Mainland Area) to Phase 3B of Clayton Park West.

2. Require that the Development Agreement be signed within 120 days or any extension thereof granted by Council on request of the applicant, from the date of final approval of Halifax Regional Municipality Council and any other bodies as necessary whichever approval is later, otherwise this approval will be void and obligations arising hereunder shall be at an end.

3. Recommend to Regional Council cost sharing in the amount of $145,000 for oversized sewers (Account 80024-6000) and $220,000 for oversized streets (Account 80025-6000).



9.1 Correspondence

The following letters in support of the White's Transit request were before Community Council:

  • Letter dated December 18, 1996 from Judy Hartlin
  • Letter dated January 6, 1997 from Coleen Sweeney
  • Letter dated January 3, 1997 from Wanda E. Stevens
  • Letter dated December 31, 1996 from Neil Ross
  • Letter dated December 30, 1996 from Sylvia Pace
  • Letter dated January 3, 1997 from Sharron Duff
  • Letter dated December 23, 1996 from Ethel Smith
  • Letter dated December 21, 1996 from Paul Drolet
  • Letter dated December 20, 1996 from Geraldine White
  • Letter dated December 31, 1996 from Mr. & Mrs. Charles Moran and Family
  • Letter dated January 6, 1997 from Dan Dawson
  • The following letters in opposition to the White's Transit request were before Community Council:
  • Letter dated January 4, 1997 from June Dempsey
  • Letter undated from Donald Billard
  • Letter dated January 2, 1997 from Joe Burgoyne
  • Councillor Adams, in addition, read a Petition he had received which included 15 signatures along with the following letters of support for White's Transit:
  • Letter undated from Darlene Welburn
  • Letter dated December 9, 1996 from Crystal Gilkie
  • Letter dated December 9, 1996 from Andy W. Henneberry
  • Letter dated December 9, 1996 from Jack and Grace Stevens
  • Letter dated December 9, 1996 from Kenneth and Wendy Gilkie
  • Letter dated December 9, 1996 from Jeannette Tough
  • Letter undated from Marilyn LeBlanc


10.1 Request for Funding - White's Transit

The Chair explained that the Public Participation Session regarding this matter had been held at the last meeting; therefore, it was now up to Community Council to decide how to proceed.

Councillor Adams requested that Brian Smith, Director of Transportation provide some information regarding the service currently operating in Beaver Bank.

Mr. Brian Smith advised that in both the Beaver Bank and Preston/Porters Lake areas a community transit service has been operating since June, 1996 even though it was in operation previously with the former Halifax County Municipality. Funding was obtained by an area rate in the community; however, regarding the 1996/97 year, all the rates were amalgamated under general revenue.

When Councillor Adams asked for an explanation of the option available to lease a vehicle to Mr. White, Mr. Smith advised that there was a busette available which could be leased to White's Transit as a interim measure at a significant saving compared to Mr. White's current lease. What staff would be looking for was recovering the amount invested to get the vehicle up to safety inspection standards.

Councillor Adams thanked Mr. White for his patience and acknowledged that Mr. White has done a good job, operating on a shoestring, awaiting a decision. He referred to Mr. Smith's statement that an area rate was used to fund a transit system in Beaver Bank and Preston/Porters Lake. At present, there was no process to allow the implementation of an area rate in the former District 5. Even if an area rate was possible, he did not believe he could recommend one because the ridership was not as high as in the other areas. However, this did not mean he did not favour the service. There were arguments that the Municipality should not fund private business and, in his opinion, those were arguments by convenience as garbage and recyclables were picked up by private companies as well as maintenance and snow removal services. In order for Halifax Transit to provide the service in the area in question, it would cost a lot more money than was being requested. He stressed there was no intention to take jobs away from Halifax Transit drivers - it was to help a service that already exists.

Councillor Adams went on to provide information on possible ways to meet Mr. White's request and advised thathe had been advised today that there was a possibility of discretionary funds being available which would not cost taxpayers any money.

MOVED by Councillors Adams and Walker to recommend to Regional Council that assistance be provided to operate White's Transit until April 1, 1997 at which time arrangements will be made to maintain the service.

Councillor Stone clarified Councillor Adams' motion to make a recommendation to Regional Council for further discussion at which time there should be information available as to possible funding. The motion on the floor allowed for funding to occur until April l, 1997 until more details become available.


11. MOTIONS - None

12. ADDED ITEMS - None

12.1 Hot Line for Community Councils

A Hot Line has now been installed to inform the public when Community Council meetings will be held. The number to call is 490-6080.

12.2 Case 7345: Proposed Amendments to the Municipal Development Plan and the Land Use By-law for Halifax respecting Service Station and Motor Vehicle Repair Shops

MOVED by Councillors Adams and Walker to defer the report to the next meeting. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.

It was noted that a Public Hearing date of February 10, 1997 has already been set.

12.3 The Lord's Prayer

MOVED by Councillors Walker and Adams that, starting with the next meeting, Community Council use the Lord's Prayer instead of the present Invocation. MOTION PUT AND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

12.4 256-258 Bedford Highway - C-2A Zone

Councillor Stone advised he had received a request from a resident who would like to have the C-2A zone considered to allow for the sale of cars. He requested that a Staff Report be provided to look at the various options and ascertain if the request is viable.

MOVED by Councillors Adams and Walker that the Staff Report be requested. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.



Mr. H. Tiller, Clayton Park West described his concerns with regard to traffic and the lack of sidewalks where Lacewood Drive ends and the Business Park begins. He asked if the Traffic Committee was considering this area. In reply, Councillor Stone advised that part of the responsibility was Department of Transportation's because of the on and off ramps to Highway 102. In the past there has been cost sharing and the lights installed were temporary.

It was agreed to request a report from Transportation Services which would address Mr. Tiller's concerns as well as Councillor Walker's concern re the lack of streetlights in the area.

Mr. William Phillips raised the following points:

  • He asked the status of the former City of Halifax's "Scoot" system and if information could be made available as to what intersections were controlled by it. It was agreed to request a Staff Report in this respect.
  • He expressed concern with the number of streetlights that are out in the former City of Halifax, along the main arteries in general and particularly in the Rotary area and Quinpool Road. It was agreed to make staff aware of Mr. Phillips' concerns.

Ms. Susan Jesso, Williamswood expressed appreciation for Community Council's support for White's Transit and the number of people in attendance also in support. She asked the status of the Petition and additional letters that had not been received for the record at the last meeting, to which Councillor Adams replied those were the ones he brought forward tonight.

Ms. Judy Hartlin, Williamswood also expressed appreciation for Community Council's support for White's Transit.

15. NEXT MEETING - February 3, 1997


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.