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The meeting was called to order with an invocation.
MOVED by Councillors Greenough and Hetherington that the minutes of January 15, 1998 as circulated. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
1. Correspondence from Councillor McInroy re: Project Outline and Review of Dartmouth MPS
2. Memorandum from Claude Isaacs re: 1998 Volunteer Recognition Program
Councillor McInroy requested the following items be deleted:
Item 7.2 - HRM Maintenance Depot - Bissett Road
Item 7.3 - Access/Egress Signage - Blockbuster Video and CIBC
MOVED by Councillors Greenough and Hetherington that the Order of Business, as amended, be approved. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
7.1 Capital Projects Listing
Community Council requested the lists of projects be held until after the operating budget is tabled.
Councillors submitted their lists of Capital Projects to be forwarded to Regional Council for ratification.
Councillor Cunningham requested that a change be made to his submission to reflect $40,500 to Victoria Park and $3,000 to tree planting on Penhorn Drive.
MOVED by Councillors Sarto and Greenough that the submitted lists be recommended to Regional Council for adoption. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
10. REPORTS 10.1 Discussion of Dartmouth Plan Review Process
Mr. Mitch Dickey, Planner, with the aid of overheads, presented the staff report. He stated rather than trying to review the whole planning strategy at once staff was suggesting it should be taken issue by issue or area by area so that focus can be centred on one area at a time. He stated there are common concerns and issues for other areas and perhaps through this process those can also be looked at. He stated the main area of concern is downtown and central Dartmouth and staff would like to proceed and deal with this area first.
Mr. Peter Dickson stated staff is suggesting that a one issue at a time approach be taken. He stated that this would provide an opportunity to look at the whole urban area together.
Councillor Cooper referenced the letter from Councillor McInroy and the concerns expressed therein.
Councillor Schofield stated he did not have difficulty with the downtown being the first area of the plan review but noted there are outstanding issues from the former City of Dartmouth review such as Pinecrest Avenue and rezoning in Wrights Cove.
Councillor Cunningham stated that starting with the downtown is a good idea and recommended that the Community Council should be involved in every step of the process to make this move quickly. He stated that the PAC could be kept informed and involved but this is a project of the Community Council.
In response to Councillor Greenough as to how long stage one would take, Ms. Hamilton advised staff is planning to have a community endorsed plan by the fall of 1998. The Councillor further stated that there would be opportunity for members of the Community Council to have input throughout the various stages of the process.
Councillor Hetherington stated he is not in favour of a deferral and noted the PAC can be involved in the process. He stated he felt that stages one and two should be dealt with together as there is commercial development outside the core area that will have to be addressed as the process proceeds.
MOVED by Councillors Hetherington and Greenough that the Harbour East Community Council proceed to Regional Council to seek approval for a review process.
Ms. Jacqueline Hamilton stated the 1990 Dartmouth Plan has quite a substantial policy for the downtown and staff sees and opportunity to build on the work that was done there. She noted there is also the strategic action plan of the Downtown Dartmouth Development Corporation. She stated what is being proposed is a focused area plan specifically on the downtown itself.
Councillor Cunningham suggested that the role of the commercial aspect of downtown Portland Street is very different from the commercial aspect of Cole Harbour. In response to Councillor Cunningham, Ms. Hamilton outlined the area under discussion.
Councillor Cooper noted that the community of Dartmouth and the community of Cole Harbour have grown together and if the best for the whole area is going to be achieved then some tie-in must be looked at. He suggested more consideration be given to this. Mr. Dickey advised the biggest issue at this time is the home business regulations which they are looking at consolidating.
11.1 Councillor Hetherington
MOVED by Councillor Hetherington that the Harbour East Community Council recommend to Halifax Regional Council that the name of Halifax City Hall be changed to Halifax Regional, Municipal or Civic Hall.
Councillor Hetherington advised he is not looking for a large change just one that reflects the process of amalgamation. He stated that Halifax Regional Municipality has been adopted as the namesake and the logo has been adopted on the flag but the meeting place happens to be in Halifax City Hall. He noted that approximately two thirds of the Municipality is not a part of the former City of Halifax. He stated it will still be the former Halifax City Hall to the majority of people but when it is identified for meeting places, to the public and the young people coming up, it should be identified as something besides Halifax City Hall. He stated each community has their own identity but it is in the realm of a larger scope. He stated the other municipal units were not taken over by the City of Halifax but rather amalgamated with the City of Halifax to form the Halifax Regional Municipality. He suggested that this be debated at all community councils.
As there was no seconder, the following motion was then placed on the floor:
MOVED by Councillors Hetherington and Schofield that the motion be referred to all Community Councils for debate.
Councillor Greenough stated that peoples perception is not going to be changed by simply changing names. He stated that over time people will begin to buy into the larger concept of Halifax Regional Municipality.
Councillor Cunningham stated he did not feel this change would be warranted at this time.
Councillor Sarto stated that given time things will change to reflect the changes that have taken place.
Councillor Hetherington stated he is not talking about changing signs on the buildings but rather the identification, for Councillors, of where they meet. He stated he was not recommending that this go to Regional Council but rather to Community Council for their input and debate.
Councillor Hetherington requested a recorded vote:
Councillors voting in favour: Councillors Hetherington, Schofield and Cooper
Councillor voting against: Councillors Greenough, Cunningham and Sarto
Councillor McInroy was absent.
12.1 Correspondence from Councillor McInroy re: Project Outline and Review of Dartmouth MPS
MOVED by Councillors Hetherington and Greenough that the letter not be referred to the Harbour East PAC at this time. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
12.2 Memorandum from Claude Isaacs re; 1998 Volunteer Recognition Program
MOVED by Councillors Hetherington and Cunningham that Councillor McInroy be appointed as the representative of the Harbour East Community Council. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
Mr. Roel Vis, Shore Road, Eastern Passage, stated he was speaking on behalf of the ten residents on Shore Road who live between Shoreview Drive and Oceanlea requested that the current R1 designation on the coastal side could be reviewed by planning staff and during the commercial rezoning discussion consideration could be given to make those lands P1.
Mr. Dickey stated there are a number of long narrow strips of land between Shore Road and the harbour. He advised the largest is HRM owned and staff can look at a change of zoning on HRM lands to a park zone. He suggested it be referred to PAC and he advised he would bring forward an information report to their next meeting. He stated if there are privately owned lands which the municipality rezone to park then the municipality is obligated to buy them within five years.
In response to Councillor Hetherington as to whether the lands in question are on the surplus list, Mr. Dickey advised he would check this. He stated it is his understanding that the lands being discussed are lands that were owned by DOT in conjunction with the road right of way and when the roads were deeded to the Municipality those lands were included.
Councillor Hetherington advised caution stating these lands could be sold if they are surplus and was not in agreement with protecting land for the sake of protection land.
Mr. Vis advised the property is not large enough to be developed. In response, Councillor Hetherington stated that the abutting property owners may be provided an opportunity to buy these lands.
MOVED by Councillor Greenough and Schofield that the item be referred to staff for a report for the March meeting. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
Mr. Vis referenced the same lands and advised erosion is taking away soil from underneath creating a dangerous situation. He stated there is no signage in place advising of the danger.
Councillor Cooper requested Regional Operations be advised of the situation and ask that a survey be done to ascertain the danger.
Mr. Vis advised after you leave Quigleys Corner and go around the bend past the boardwalk the area in question is approximately 40-50 feet before you come to the first duplex on the right hand side of the road. He suggested a member of Regional Operation could contact him personally to identify the area.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 5, 1998 at 7:00 p.m.
MOVED by Councillors Hetherington and Greenough that the meeting be adjourned at 9:15 p.m. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
Julia Horncastle