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1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Order of Business/Additions and Deletions
3. Public Hearings:
3.1 Case 00950 - Bedford Land Use By-law Amendment - CHWY Zone
3.2 Case 00994 - Sackville Drive Land Use By-law Amendment - Pinehill/Cobequid (PC) Zone DEFERRED TO MAY 24, 2007 MEETING!
3.3 Case 01021 - Sackville Land Use By-law Amendment - BP (Business Park) and BP-1 (Business Park) Zones
3.4 Case 00963 - Sackville Drive Land Use By-law Amendment - LS (Large Scale Commercial) Zone
4. Councillor Johns - Lighting at Riverside and Sackville Drive
5. Added Items
6. Adjournment