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Research Reports on Housing Issues Tabled

(Wednesday, January 19, 2005) - Two housing research reports were tabled at a meeting of Halifax Regional Council last night as part of the HRM - Government of Canada Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative research grant.

The Municipal Land Use Policy and Housing Affordability Study identifies a number of key housing issues in HRM. It explores ways in which municipal regulations/policies can support the development/maintenance of housing that corresponds to the range of household types and household income levels in HRM--- without the municipality becoming involved in the capital and operating costs of subsidized housing, which is a provincial responsibility.

The Potential for Partnerships in Community Reinvestment and Affordable Housing Study provides information on the range of legislative and program arrangements in place in other Canadian provinces, where municipalities are permitted to provide incentives to private housing developers to achieve a broad range of objectives, such as revitilization of existing neighbourhoods and promotion of affordable and mixed income housing. The ultimate goal of the report is encourage informed discussion on the potential for amendments to the Nova Scotia Municipal Government Act that would allow greater cooperation between public, private and non-profit interests in the provision of affordable housing.

The information presented in both reports is in the process of being evaluated by HRM staff as part of the Regional Planning process.

Both reports can be accessed on the HRM website at:

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Barbara Nehiley
HRM Community Planning
(902) 490-4612




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.