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Panel Discussion Explores “New Deal” Possibilities for HRM

(Halifax - January 31, 2005) - On January 19, 2005, over sixty people from a number of economic development agencies, community organizations, academic institutions, and government departments came together to participate in a panel discussion at HRM City Hall. The three panelists were: Mr. John Knubley, Vice President of ACOA, Mr. Greg Keefe, Deputy Minister Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Affairs, and Mr. George McLellan, Chief Administrative Officer, HRM. The moderator for the event was Dr. Terry Murphy, Vice-President Academic and Research for Saint Mary’s University.

The theme for this event was “Moving the New Cities and Communities Agenda Forward in HRM”. The discussion focused on three areas:
a) Advantages / Opportunities of Collaboration,
b) Priorities for HRM,
c) Next Steps.

This event was organized by the Halifax Regional Development Agency (HRDA) to foster dialogue on this new federal initiative, which addresses key developmental issues at the municipal level. This event was also an opportunity to explore the "Winnipeg Agreement" as a model for successful tripartite collaboration. Participants were able to ask questions of the panelists after hearing their discussion of all three areas.

“We are aware of the benefits that the 'New Deal' for Cities and Communities could bring to HRM, and are pleased that our three panelists were willing to tackle this task,“ said Gerald Gabriel, General Manager of the HRDA. “It is a timely topic and they brought good ideas to the fore.”

All three panelists see distinct advantages and opportunities for enhanced collaboration between the three levels of government.

Mr. Keefe commented: "Collaboration is a cornerstone of the provincial-municipal-federal relationship. Provincial, municipal and federal officials work together on a daily basis to provide
good government and quality services to Nova Scotians."

Mr. McLellan outlined that: “The priority is to execute, to put product on the street. The Regional Planning process provides us with a framework where we can recognize priorities, and
collectively undertake a strong stewardship role in developing the Municipality.”

Mr.Knubley stated that, "The New Deal for Cities and Communities is all about new partnerships with all governments working together to share our resources and address common
challenges and opportunities." Mr. Knubley further offered that, "A tripartite agreement may be one mechanism that we use to jointly create the Nova Scotia of tomorrow; a gateway to Canada
and Atlantic Canada."

In the final analysis, a number of potential priority areas were identified: immigration, infrastructure, transportation, skills development, and enhancing quality of life conditions for
citizens. There was strong support from many participants at the event that the three levels of government needed to select priorities and move ahead collectively to make it happen.

The initiative was described by Dr. Murphy as a “golden opportunity” to take advantage of the New Deal for Cities and Communities. Dr. Murphy also identified that for such an
opportunity to be realized, the momentum and interest generated by this discussion needs to be acted upon. In keeping with that spirit, it was agreed that the three panelists would soon meet

The Halifax Regional Development Agency was pleased to act as host for the event, and would be prepared to facilitate further dialogue on this new initiative. For further information regarding
this event please contact: Elaine MacFadyen, HRDA Communications Officer at 902-869-4049 or



Elaine MacFadyen
Communications Officer
Halifax Regional Development Agency
11 Glendale Ave., Unit 9
Lower Sackville, NS
B4C 3P2
1-902-869-4040 or, 1-800-650-0039
(Fax) 1-902-869-4091




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.