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News Release


(Monday, February 14, 2005) --- HRM Financial Services staff will be presenting 2005/06 Budget information sessions during regular Community Council meetings throughout HRM.

These information sessions are designed to provide opportunities for citizen discussion on the budgetary process, as well as to enable staff to address any citizens concerns and issues regarding the proposed 2005/06 Budget, which will be tabled before Halifax Regional Council on February 22.

Financial Services has developed a new information campaign to better communicate complex budgetary information to the citizens of HRM. It is hoped the campaign will deliver a clear, concise understanding of where municipal tax dollars are being spent, and how the budget tries to address the needs of citizens. The presentation will also inform residents about upcoming financial issues and challenges and hopefully lead to a better understanding of HRM’s financial effort.

There will also be opportunities for citizens unable to attend these meetings to pass along their thoughts, ideas or comments regarding the upcoming Budget to HRM. They may contact the Budget Help Line at 490- 5399; the HRM Corporate Call Centre at 490-4000 or e-mail:

or they may mail their comments to:

HRM - Financial Planning
3rd Floor Duke Tower
5251 Duke Street
PO Box 1749, Halifax, NS B3J 3A5

For information regarding upcoming Community Council meetings, please call: 490-6080. See further information on the Budget at the Financial Planning Page


Schedule for Meetings

Community Council





Marine Drive, Valley & Canal



Royal Canadian Legion, 6644 Highway #7, Gaetz Brook

Monday, Feb. 28/05

7:00 pm

Harbour East

Dist. 4,5,6,7,8&9

90 Alderney Dr. Council Chamber

Thursday, March. 3/04

7:00 pm


Dist. 10,15,16,17&

18 (former city area)

330 Lacewood Dr. Keshen Goodman Library

Monday, March.7/05

7:00 pm

North West

Dist. 19,20&21

36 Holland Road, Bedford Lions Den

Thursday, Feb.24/05

7:00 pm


Dist. 18 (former Co. area), 22&23

330 Lacewood Dr. Keshen Goodman Library

Monday, Feb.28/05

7:00 pm


Dist. 11,12,13,14

1841 Argyle St. Council Chamber at City Hall

Monday, March. 7/05

7:00 pm

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.