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News Release

HRM Takes Aggressive Approach to Reducing Greenhouse Gases

(The Kyoto Protocol Comes into Force Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 16/05)

(Tuesday, February 15/05)-- Halifax Regional Municipality has embarked on an aggressive approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation through the Climate SMART (Sustainable Mitigation Adaptation Risk Toolkit) program. This collaborative partnership involves all three levels of government and the private sector.

Mayor Peter Kelly said adaptation components include vulnerability and risk assessments, as well as a climate change risk management plan. The mitigation aspects directly relate to greenhouse gas emission(GHG) reductions and the Kyoto Accord.

HRM is a member of the federal Partners for Climate Protection Program and is in the midst of the five milestones which include: Greenhouse Gas Inventories; Reduction Targets; Local Action Plan; Implementation Plan; Monitoring.

“HRM’s integrated approach to climate change (global warming) brings major environmental, fiscal and social benefits, ranging from improved air quality and greenhouse gas emission reduction plans, to climate change adaptation management planning tools that will assist HRM to manage climate change impacts on its citizens, business and infrastructure,” Mayor Kelly said.

Some examples of HRM’s greenhouse gas emission reduction initiatives to date include:
• Bio-fuels (diesel/fish oil mixture) in transit buses
• Community-based Reduced Idling Program
• Energy Performance Contracts for HRM buildings
• Commuter Trip Reduction Program
• Alternate Transportation
• Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System
• Community Energy Concepts
• Establishment of a Sustainable Community (Green) Reserve

These efforts support the intent of the Kyoto Accord.


Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

Stephen King
Environmental Management Services
(902) 490-6188




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.