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Mayor Welcomes Louisiana Delegation at City Hall

(Wednesday, September 21, 2005) On Thursday, September 22nd, at 11 am, His Worship, Mayor Peter Kelly will welcome the Louisiana delegation participating in the 7th Grou Tyme Acadian Festival. The Mayor will participate in the raising of the Louisiana flag at City Hall which will fly for the duration of the Grou Tyme Acadian Festival from Thursday, September 22nd to Sunday September 25th.

“The flag will fly at Halifax City Hall as a show of support and respect for the people of Louisiana who have suffered tragic losses as a result of Hurricane Katrina,” says Mayor Kelly. “ It will serve as a reminder to the citizens of HRM that they can continue to help the people of Louisiana by making donations at the Grou Tyme Festival.”

Several fundraising initiatives will take place at the Festival including the “Po Boy Power Fundraiser” on Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the Halifax Waterfront at the Grou Tyme Festival site. This event is a collaboration of Taste of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Chefs Association and will feature New Orleans chef, Alon Shaya, and Halifax chef, Ray Bear.

Members of the Acadian community, as well as, representatives of the Société Grou Tyme will be joining Mayor Kelly at City Hall to welcome the Louisiana delegation. The delegation will be headed by Shelley Johnson, president of the Louisiana Tourism Promotion Association. The Stadacona Band will be playing during the welcoming ceremonies. A reception in the Mayor’s Office will take place following the flag raising.

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Mayor Peter Kelly

Deborah Story
Corporate Communications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.