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Councillor to Host Town Hall Meeting on Crime, Community Development

(Friday, January 5/07)--Councillor Andrew Younger will host a town hall meeting next Wednesday for residents in the Caledonia Drive area of Dartmouth regarding policing, community development, and ways to tackle crime in the community.

Representatives of Halifax Regional Police, Community Response Team, East Dartmouth Boys and Girls Club and Community Development will also be in attendance. This will also be an opportunity for residents to meet new Divisional Commander Don MacLean, of Halifax Regional Police.

"This meeting is about working with the community to let residents know what HRM is doing to tackle historic and ongoing community concerns, as well as to identify needs in the area," says Councillor Younger. "This meeting is also an opportunity to bring area residents together in a focussed discussion about how community members can take ownership of their neighbourhoods through programs such as Neighbourhood Watch and Citizens on Patrol."

The meeting will include discussions on concerns expressed by residents about crime in the area, programs and services that could be offered in the new East Dartmouth Community Centre (opening 2007), and resident programs for crime prevention.

Councillor Younger said the session's goal is to start setting out a long-term strategy with community involvement to find solutions to the sociological reasons for crime, violence, and other issues that continue to exist in the area.

The meeting is open to all residents, but will be of particular interest those living in and around Caledonia Drive area of Dartmouth, including Westwood, Kennedy, Churchill, Booth, Fader, Strath, as well as the Delmac Park and Tam O'Shanter Ridge subdivisions.

When:  Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Time:    7 pm to 9 pm

Where: Caledonia Junior High School Gymnasium, Caledonia Road

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Councillor Andrew Younger




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.