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Atlantic Mayors’ Congress to be held April 11-13


Mayors to discuss Atlantic Shipbuilding Action Plan


Tuesday, April 10, 2012 (Halifax, NS) – There will be a mood of renewed economic confidence in the air when mayors from around the region meet in Halifax next week for the semi-annual Atlantic Mayors’ Congress.

Almost 30 municipal leaders will gather April 11-13 to discuss mutual challenges and opportunities facing their communities. One of the main agenda items will be the recently announced initiative for regional businesses and industries to supply goods and services to Irving Shipbuilding for the $25-billion federal shipbuilding contract. ACOA Minister Bernard Valcourt will attend the Congress to address the mayors regarding the Atlantic Shipbuilding Action Plan. The minister will speak at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11 at Windows, 8th floor of the World Trade and Convention Centre on Argyle Street. Mr. Valcourt’s remarks will be open to the media and the minister will be available to the media, following his speech.

Mr. Berry Vrbanovic, President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, will discuss policing costs and implications of the federal budget for municipalities on Thursday morning. The mayors will review the financial burden that accompanies new wastewater regulations coming into effect this spring. The federal government has not announced a shared funding program to assure the implementation of the new regulations.

The meetings are open to media.

WHAT: Atlantic Mayors’ Congress ( draft agendaAMC draft agenda 32.4KB)


WHEN: April 12 and 13 (media releases issued Thursday and Friday at 12:10 p.m., Mayor Kelly will be available for comment at 12:10 p.m. on Thursday, interviews may be arranged with participating mayors)


WHERE: Halifax City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax, NS


WHO: Members of the Atlantic Mayors Congress (list of members AMC draft agenda 7.33KB)



Mayor Peter Kelly

Halifax Regional Municipality





Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.