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New Metro Transit Bridge Terminal opening moved to

Monday, September 17


Wednesday, August 22, 2012 (Halifax, NS) - The new Metro Transit Bridge Terminal opening will be moved to September 17; originally, the terminal was to open on Monday, August 27.

A decision was made by Metro Transit in consultation with HRM Planning and Infrastructure staff that the terminal will not be ready to provide the service passengers were promised and it would be preferable to ensure all work is completed before opening day.

“We apologize to our passengers for this delay, but we are confident the contractor will have the remaining work finished so we can start safely routing buses through the terminal on September 17,” said Metro Transit Director Eddie Robar. “It’s simply not safe to route buses and passengers through a construction site and doing so would further delay the terminal’s completion.”

General contractor Pomerleau has committed to have the building finished within the next two weeks. Time will then be needed to test building systems, install furniture and equipment, and orient bus operators for a smooth operational transition on September 17.

“We understand a shortage of skilled labour has had some bearing on timelines for this project, but we believe the features of this terminal will make it worth the wait for transit passengers,” said Terry Gallagher, HRM’s Manager of Facility Development.

Once complete, the signature transit terminal will feature 16 bus bays, public washrooms, enhanced safety and security features, and a climate controlled passenger waiting area with customer information displays. The Bridge Terminal is Metro Transit’s busiest terminal, serving over 23,000 passengers each weekday.

The total cost to build the new terminal is $14.7 million, including the original construction tender award to Pomerleau and other expenditures on consultant fees, interior fixtures, furniture and equipment, exterior seating and shelters, landscaping, mobility features, construction allowances, and CCTV security technology.




Shaune MacKinlay

HRM Communications






Above content last modified Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 4:06pm.