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Halifax Regional Council Approves the 2012/2013 Budget

(Tuesday, April 3, 2012) - Today, Halifax Regional Council passed the 2012/2013 Operating and Capital/Project budgets for the Halifax Regional Municipality. The approved budget includes a tax rate reduction for residential and commercial property owners and highlights Council’s priority of an enhanced transit service for residents.


The approved budget includes a $788 million gross Operating Budget and a gross Capital Budget of $132 million.


Mayor Peter Kelly commended a budget that reduces average municipal tax bills for residents and businesses. The budget reduces residential property tax rates by 5.5 percent and commercial property tax rates by 5.8 percent.


“Council’s direction clearly indicated the desire to shield the average taxpayer from any increase to their tax bills,” said Mayor Kelly. “This budget has succeeded in achieving that direction while respecting the need to enhance service delivery.”


The general rates of taxation on residential property will be set at:
• $0.661 for the urban area
• $0.645 for the suburban area
• $0.639 for the rural area

The general rates of taxation on commercial and business occupancy will be set at:
• $3.084 for the urban area
• $3.084 for the suburban area
• $2.733 for the rural area

Tax rates associated with transit tax be set at:
• $0.051 for the Regional Transportation tax rate
• $0.105 for the Local Transit tax rate

The budget supports the growing focus on transit throughout the region and HRM will continue to make a significant investment in the transit system with a dramatic increase to the number of transit routes, buses and services.


With this approved budget, residents will see a 311 call centre implemented, appropriate funding for winterworks, transit service extended to Porter’s Lake and the airport and improvements to streets, sidewalks and bridges.


The approved budget focuses closely on finding cost efficiencies without compromising service delivery standards.


For more information on the 2012/13 budget please visit:



Mayor Peter Kelly





Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.