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HRMbyDesign Centre Plan public consultation resumes April 30

(Friday, April 27, 2012) Halifax, NS - HRM citizens are advised that the second round of HRMbyDesign Centre Plan public consultation begins on Monday, April 30, with meetings scheduled in Halifax and Dartmouth that evening, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. The second round of meetings will propose land use policy and by-law changes based on public feedback received since the first round of meetings held earlier this month.

Round two meetings will take place as follows:

April 30
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Atlantica Hotel, Guild Hall
1980 Robie Street, Halifax
Community: Halifax - Spring Garden Road, Quinpool Road Corridors

April 30
6:30 - 9:00 pm
NSCC Waterfront Campus, Room 4732, Woodside Wing
80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth
Community: Dartmouth - Pleasant Street, Portland Street, Green Village Lane, Graham's Grove Corridors

May 2
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Dartmouth Sportsplex, Nantucket Room
110 Wyse Road, Dartmouth
Community: Dartmouth - Windmill Road, Wyse Road Corridors

May 9
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Halifax Forum, Multipurpose Room
6210 Young Street, Halifax
Community: Halifax - Young Street, Robie Street Corridors

May 10
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Bloomfield Centre, Multipurpose Room
2786 Agricola Street, Halifax
Community: Halifax - Agricola Street, Gottingen Street Corridors

The Centre Plan is phase three of HRMbyDesign, following the establishment of the overall Regional Centre Vision and Principles in phase one, and the creation of the Downtown Halifax Plan in phase two. Taken as a whole the three phases present a 25-year vision of a dense, livable and prosperous Regional Centre that will create sustained economic and environmental benefits across the entire municipality. The entire Centre Plan is scheduled for completion in 2015.

For more information on the Centre Plan visit,, or follow @PlanHRM on Twitter.

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Andy Fillmore
Urban Design Project Manager

Tiffany Chase
Corporate Communications





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