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HRM’s new mayor and regional council officially sworn in

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012 (Halifax, NS) –HRM’s new mayor and councillors, surrounded by family and friends, were officially sworn in at a ceremony this evening. HRM CAO Richard Butts was master of ceremonies and The Honourable Justice Heather Robertson, Nova Scotia Supreme Court, did the official swearing-in at Citadel High’s Spatz Theatre.

Mayor Mike Savage addressed the crowd.

We will honour the sacrifice of our great veterans, and build on the achievements of our ancestors and the success of our community builders to create an even more awesome municipality for our children and our grandchildren,” said Mayor Savage. “We will honour our rich heritage by reaching higher, by embracing challenge and by achieving more.”

An Honour Guard, consisting of representatives of the RCMP, the Halifax Regional Police and the Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Service, also participated in the ceremony.


Mayor Mike Savage

grand paradetwitter




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.