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Public Service Announcement


HRM seeks volunteers


Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 (Halifax, NS) - Are you interested in becoming a volunteer on a board or committee of Council and making a difference in your community?  Residents of HRM interested in volunteering to serve on the boards and/or committees outlined below are invited to send an application to HRM no later than November 30, 2012 to be included in the December appointment process.


Advisory Committees to Standing Committees of Council or Regional Council:

  • Active Transportation Advisory Committee ( citizens at large, youth (ages 13–19) & senior representatives)
  • Advisory Committee for Accessibility in HRM
  • Board of Police Commissioners
  • Community Monitoring Committee
  • Design Review Committee (City Planner or Urban Designer)
  • Heritage Advisory Committee
  • Investment Policy Advisory Committee


Associated Boards and Commissions:

  • Halifax International Airport Authority
  • Halifax Regional Library Board
  • Halifax Water Commission
  • Metropolitan Regional Housing Authority


Staff Committee:

Taxi and Limousine Liaison Group (citizens who use taxi or limousine services, taxi broker, taxi driver and taxi owner from Halifax Zone, Dartmouth Zone and County Zone, limousine owner and limousine driver, accessible taxi owner and accessible taxi driver)


Community Council Advisory Committee:

  • District 12 (former) Planning Advisory Committee
  • North West Planning Advisory Committee (Districts 1, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16)
  • Point Pleasant Park Advisory Committee

For more information on the above committees please visit


Residents interested in serving on the above committees may apply online by completing an application form at or by mail to Municipal Clerk’s Office, PO Box 1749, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 3A5, or by fax to (902) 490-4208. Applicants may submit a resume or other pertinent information along with the completed application form. 


Thank you for your interest in serving as a volunteer in HRM.




Cathy Mellett
HRM Municipal Clerk




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.