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Historic Irishtown signage to be unveiled


Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 (Halifax, NS) – HRM citizens are invited to join Mayor Mike Savage, Ray Bassett, the Irish Ambassador to Canada, Troy Doyle, the past president of An Cumann, and Brian Doherty, President of the Charitable Irish Society of Halifax, on Tuesday, Nov. 13 as they officially unveil new cultural district signage for Historic Irishtown.

When: Tuesday, Nov. 13, 11 a.m.
Where: 1479 Lower Water Street, opposite the Brewery Market (outdoors)

Immediately following the ceremony participants will be invited to take a guided walking tour through the district.

In addition to the cultural district signage, HRM has installed name blades on street signs delineating the newly established Historic Irishtown district at Bishop and Lower Water, Bishop and Hollis, Hollis and Terminal, Hollis and South, and Hollis and Morris.




Tiffany Chase

HRM Communications

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Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.