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Mayor Kelly to recuse himself from

Metro Centre limited liability report debate

(Monday, May 28, 2012) - Mayor Peter Kelly today announced he will not chair or participate in Tuesday’s Regional Council discussion on agenda item 14.1.1. “Metro Centre Limited Liability Private and Confidential Report.”

“I am sensitive to a perceived conflict of interest should I participate in or chair this portion of the Council meeting,” said Mayor Kelly. “While I believe I would not contravene the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, I do not want questions about my participation to detract Council members from their focus on the recommendations before them.”

The Mayor said the debate on the contents of the report should take priority over any discussion over how the meeting is conducted.

Mayor Kelly would not comment on the report itself as it is recommended by staff to be considered as part of the in-camera agenda.



Mayor Peter Kelly





Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.