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HRM News Release


Metro Transit disappointed contract offer rejected


(Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012) – Metro Transit Management expressed disappointment that members of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 508 have rejected HRM’s contract offer.

"We put forward a contract package, inclusive of wage increases, that would allow us to build a sustainable, reliable transit service for the future,” said Metro Transit Director Eddie Robar. “The vote is a disappointment but we remain resolved to get a contract.”

Mr. Robar stressed that bus service will continue as usual for the time being.  A 14-day countdown to a possible work stoppage began when the Conciliator filed his report on Jan.18, making Feb. 1 at Midnight the first time buses could stop. The union, which represents 750 bus operators, transit fleet mechanics, ferry crew and other transit workers, is also required to provide 48-hour notice of a legal walkout.


"We continue to serve the needs of 96,000 daily riders and we will be available during this countdown period to go back to the table to secure a deal with the ATU Local 508,” said Mr. Robar.

Metro Transit customers are advised to check the Metro Transit portion of the HRM website at for updated information.

Information will also be shared by @hfxtransit on Twitter and through the HRM call centre at 490-4000.


Metro Transit is the primary transportation service provider in HRM and the largest  transit system in Atlantic Canada, comprised of over 300 buses and 3 ferries. In addition to its conventional fixed route system with 61 routes, including the premium MetroLink and MetroX services, it operates three Community Transit routes, the harbour ferry service and the door-to-door Access-A-Bus service for persons with disabilities. 




Shaune MacKinlay
Manager, Public Affairs
Halifax Regional Municipality




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.