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Notice of Official Candidates for Councillor

District 4 Cole Harbour – Westphal

Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012 (Halifax, NS) - Following the decision of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia this morning, the HRM Returning Officer advises the voters in District 4 Cole Harbour-Westphal that there will be three (3) official candidates running for the office of Councillor District 4 Cole Harbour-Westphal.

Voters in District 4 Cole Harbour –Westphal may vote for ONE of the following candidates for Councillor:

● Angela Jones ● Lorelei Nicoll ● Barry A. Smith

“The Supreme Court was the only body with jurisdiction to resolve this matter. The Election Office accepts the decision of the Court.” said Ms. Mellett, HRM’s Returning Officer. 

Voters in District 4 Cole Harbour-Westphal will be fully informed of the candidates and voting options available to them. Ads will be in local newspapers and the voters in District 4 will be receiving notices regarding their choice of candidates by the end of the week.

Advanced electronic polls for all Districts commence at 8am on Saturday October 6, 2012 through to 7pm Thursday October 18, 2012.  In person voting will be on Election Day October 20, 2012 from 8am to 7pm at local polling locations.



Cathy J. Mellett, HRM Returning Officer

(902) 490-6456




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.