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Public Service Announcement


Firefighters continue to fight fire in Spryfield area


Monday, May 21, 2012 – Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency continue to fight a brush fire in the area between Colpitt Lake and Williams Lake in Spryfield. They responded to the call at 3:50 p.m. No homes are threatened by fire at this time.



A precautionary evacuation has been ordered along the Purcell's Cove Road from Halls Road up to (but not including) Oceanview Drive. Approximately 60 homes have been affected. The Canadian Red Cross have established an evacuation center at the Chocolate Lake Recreation Center.



Approximately 40 HRM Firefighters, firefighters from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and three helicopters from DNR will work on this fire until dark. The fire is not yet "under control", but conditions are improving. The Fire Incident Commander will assess conditions later this evening.



Purcell's Cove Road will remain closed in this area until further notice. Residents can expect to see smoldering fires in the woods and fire vehicles in the area overnight.



Media Information is available by calling the HRFE Media Information number (490-5666).








Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.