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Public Service Announcement


Regional Council meetings moved to accommodate City Hall restoration


Thursday, Aug. 2, 2012 (Halifax, NS) – Beginning Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2012, meetings of Regional Council will be relocated to Room 100 (bottom floor) of the World Trade and Convention Centre due to ongoing construction and restoration work at City Hall. It is anticipated that Regional Council meetings will continue to take place in this location until November 2012.


Regional Council meetings held at this temporary location are open to the public and members of the media, and council sessions will continue to be video streamed live through and broadcast on Eastlink TV. Regional Council agendas, including meeting time, can be found online the Friday before Council meets at


Other committees of Council that traditionally meet in City Hall Council Chambers or Halifax Hall have also been temporarily moved to other locations to accommodate the ongoing construction. Visit and click on the appropriate committee name to determine if their meetings have moved and the new location.


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Cathy Mellet

HRM Municipal Clerk







Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.