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Public Service Announcement

Unofficial candidate list for Municipal and School Board Election

now available

Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 (Halifax, NS) – HRM’s Election Office has completed the unofficial candidate list for the upcoming Municipal and School Board election. The document has been posted to the left-hand menus on both the main election page ( and the voters page (

Candidates have until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 12 to withdraw their names. An official list will be finalized shortly after 5 p.m. tomorrow and will be made available in the same sections on the election website.

Remember, if you missed the opportunity to make sure your name is on the voters list during the revisions period, you can still vote. Voters can register in person during the advanced voting period on Saturday, Oct. 6 until Thursday, Oct. 18 at any of the voter registration/poll locations throughout HRM or at your local poll location on Election Day Saturday, Oct. 20.


For a complete list of locations, days and times for voter registration/poll locations, please visit:


To access your local poll location, please visit:


For all information on the 2012 Municipal and School Board Election, please visit:


Make your Vote Count!





Cathy Mellett

HRM Municipal Returning Officer



Lori McKinnon
HRM Election Coordinator








Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.