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Public Service Announcement


Pothole Maintenance to Begin


(Tuesday, March 20, 2012) - HRM would like to advise residents that contingent on weather, Municipal Operations crews are working to patch potholes based on set priorities. Potholes are formed by weather cycles such as snow, rain, freezing rain and freeze-thaw cycles, which cause road surfaces to expand and contract resulting in asphalt breaking up and potholes forming. 

Weather permitting, Municipal Operations will be assigning asphalt crews on two shifts to work at patching potholes in identified locations. Crews will be working from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. and from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the next couple of weeks.


Priority will be placed on arterials and other streets with significant potholes. Municipal Operations asks that motorists exercise caution and reduced speed when driving through these work sites. Safety for all is HRM's number one priority.


Residents are encouraged to report potholes by calling 490-4000. To view our standards for pothole maintenance, please visit:





Michaelyn Thompson  

HRM Communications






Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.