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From the Office of the Mayor

(Wednesday, January 27/99)-- Mayor Walter Fitzgerald today urged both pedestrians and motorists to exercise extreme caution when using, or approaching, pedestrian crosswalks.

The Mayor's comments follow reports of a fatal accident earlier this week at a pedestrian crosswalk on Robie Street, which claimed the life of 15-year-old Paul Levy, of Halifax.

Mayor Fitzgerald said pedestrians should always "stop, look and listen" before entering a crosswalk and should never presume that motorists will always see them.

"Even when they are in the crosswalk, they should still be mindful of traffic in the event a motorist, for some reason or other, does not see them or fails to observe the rules, " he said.

As well, the Mayor reminded motorists of the laws respecting pedestrian crosswalks and urged them to be constantly on the lookout for pedestrians crossing the street--whether in a legal crosswalk or not.

" I'm urging all motorists to be more observant, especially when it comes to the flashing amber lights at major pedestrian crosswalks, " he said.

Mayor Fitzgerald has also requested the Halifax Regional Police to step-up its traffic safety program for students at local schools.

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Mayor Walter Fitzgerald

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.