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For Immediate Release
Friday,October 15,1999

Waste Reduction Week - October 15-23, 1999

HRM Announces Challenge to Every Resident and Business to Reduce Holiday Season Waste by 10% & Plans to Introduce Waste Programs for Condominiums and Apartments

In conjunction with the launch of Waste Reduction Week, Halifax Regional Municipality wishes to challenge every local resident and business to reduce their upcoming holiday season waste by 10%. The challenge is based on the fact that every year, more residential and business waste is disposed of during the first two weeks of January than in any other period throughout the year!!!!

Last year,during the first two weeks of January 1999, more than six thousand tonnes (6,000 tonnes) of waste was produced from households and businesses in HRM. This figure does not include materials which were recycled, reused, or composted. Much of the material generated was paper and cardboard boxes, both products which can be recycled; and food waste which can be composted. The waste also included old clothing, furniture, books and toys, all items which can be of value to others and are items which would be gladly accepted by local agencies, many whom even provide free pick-up!

Beginning with the start of Waste Reduction Week, through until January 4, 2000, HRM issues the challenge to every resident, both at home and in the workplace, to stop and ask "how can I reduce more waste"? Jim Bauld, Operations Coordinator for Waste Resources says, "Individuals and businesses should consider in advance how they plan to dispose of items before purchasing gifts; wrapping presents; decorating the home, apartment or office; cleaning up after a party, or clearing boxes and paper packaging from a stock room, or warehouse. Don't forget even your Christmas Tree can be recycled "! Mr. Bauld also wishes to remind businesses to recycle amd compost all items accepted under HRM's waste management programs.

The challenge-a 10% reduction in commercial and residential waste equates to 200,000 garbage bags - which is just 1 less bag for every place of business and residence in HRM over the two week period !! Six hundred tonnes equals 75 truckloads of waste which will not end up in our landfill if HRM citizens meet the challenge.

In commenting on HRM's progress with regards to attaining 65% diversion by the year 2000, Jim Bauld said "It has been almost one year since the introduction of home source separation and our community is achieving its waste resource management objectives". He added, "The residential sector has embraced our new programs, but now we have to focus our efforts on the business side which is lagging behind quite dramatically". Amongst other initiatives, Mr. Bauld advised that HRM will shortly begin a program to collect source separated organics from selected condominimum properties. Phase 1 of the program will begin mid November. Phase one of the project will include 18 condo properties in the former Halifax, Dartmouth and Bedford areas". Properties selected represent a cross section of types and sizes of condo buildings. The first phase will provide valuable information on how best to collect organics from larger residential condominiums.

HRM will also begin to implement a new program this fall to assist apartment owners and residents with setting up a program within their building. Waste Resources Staff will be available to answer questions and give tips on how to make an organics and recyclable collection program work properly. For more information, please call MetroInfo at 490-4000.


For more information contact:
Jeanette MacKay, Marketing & Public Relations
Shared Services, Corporate Services

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.