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For Immediate Release
November 8, 1999

Metro Transit Recognizes Canada's War Veterans

On November 11th at 11:00 am local time, HRM's public transportation system, Metro Transit, along with other transit systems across Canada will observe a 2-minute wave of silence in honour of our war veterans.

Metro Transit bus operators will be asked to pull in-service buses to the side of the road at 11:00 am, and along with their passengers observe the "2-Minute Wave of Silence" in honour of Canada's war veterans.

Also, veterans may travel free of charge on Metro Transit all day, Thursday November 11th simply by showing bus operators and ferry Commissionaires any proof that they are a veteran.

Manager of Metro Transit, Brian Taylor said, "As the Municipality's public transportation system, providing free transit service for the day to veterans and observing the "2-Minute Wave of Silence" is one small gesture of thanks we can offer to the many men and women who made the supreme sacrifice for all Canadians."

Metro Transit will operate on Holiday Service on Remembrance Day, November 11th. This includes Access-A-Bus, Community Transit and the Harbour Ferry service as well.

The Halifax-Dartmouth Ferry will run on a half hour frequency beginning from the Dartmouth (Alderney Terminal) at 7:30 am until 11:30 pm. The Woodside Ferry will not operate, nor will the Community Transit service.

For more details, please call MetroInfo at 490-4000.

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For further information, please contact:

Robin Boudreau
Marketing & Public Relations Assistant

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.