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From the Councillor's Office

Councillor says "Make Sense, Not War" With Students

(Friday, February 25/2000)-- Halifax Regional Municipality should focus its effort to prevent illegal trash dumping on rental property owners-- not the university students who must rent the accommodations.

Councillor Sue Uteck took exception today to comments attributed to Hugh Pullen, president of the Peninsula South Community Association at a meeting of the HRM Solid Waste Advisory Committee on Thursday.

Mr. Pullen said Halifax "still tends to be a dirty little city" and he called upon HRM to step up its by-law enforcement and issuance of tickets, particularly in the neighbourhoods bordering on universities. He said that students move in and out of HRM often, "bringing their bad habits with them" and leaving their rubbish behind.

Councillor Uteck said "Let's not make the students the bad guys in this issue. Most students are very responsible, but often landlords don't educate their tenants as to the rights and wrongs of handling their trash."

The Councillor for Northwest Arm/South End said it is in the students' interest to ensure that their living quarters are clean when they are moving in or out in September and April-or else they will forfeit their rent deposits.

"They have no choice but to put the garbage out. Let's work with them and their landlords and try to find a more workable solution, rather than declaring war on university students," she said

Councillor Uteck suggested HRM declare special "clean-up" weeks in September and April in Halifax's South End, where most of the universities are located. This would assist university students and others to properly dispose of their waste materials.

The Councillor also suggested incorporating "trash education" as part of tenant's rights.

"All rental units should have the trash regulations and the pick-up schedule posted so that all tenants can be made aware," she said.

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Councillor Sue Uteck
District 13 (Northwest Arm/South End)
(902) 221-7651

Above content last modified Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 4:06pm.