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Halifax Regional Municipality

Media Advisory

In light of some media calls regarding the deadline for the RFP for the Harbour Solutions Project, the following advisory was issued today.

Friday, September 29/2000)-- The deadline for responses to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the $315 million Harbour Solutions Project is Friday, October 13, 2000---- not today as previously stated.

Maurice Lloyd, Project Manager, said it was decided to move the deadline back because the two proponents bidding on the project had not been provided certain necessary information in time to reasonably respond to the September 29th deadline.

Mr. Lloyd said the two consortia, comprised of local, national and international companies, were advised of the proposal to extend the deadline and agreed with the decision.

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Maurice Lloyd, P.Eng
Project Manager, Harbour Solutions
(902) 490-4549

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.