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Mayor Discusses HRM Priority Issues with Premier

(Friday, November 10/2000)-- Mayor Peter Kelly met with Premier John Hamm this morning to discuss a number of issues affecting the Halifax Regional Municipality.

Mayor Kelly said the meeting with the Premier-his first since being sworn-in as Mayor earlier this week-- was "very positive" and he was impressed with Premier Hamm's knowledge of the HRM issues discussed. The meeting was scheduled for 45 minutes, but lasted more than one-and-a half-hours.

Among the topics discussed were the Harbour Solutions Project; the Province's plan to transfer the cost of Assessment to municipalities; the provincial/municipal service agreement for the Maintenance of Streets and Roads; the proposed Burnside Express route and the proposed Highway 111 access road (Shearwater); the phase-out agreement for municipal Social Service costs; the provincial White Paper on Policing; tourism; the Sable Offshore Gas Project and natural gas distribution; and education costs.

Mayor Kelly said he is anxious to forge a new relationship between HRM and the Province and placed the major issues affecting the regional municipality on the table for consideration.

The Mayor said " I believe that we were both re-thinking the relationship that exists between the Province and the Halifax Region and I think it would be fair to say that we are both committed to improving and enhancing it."

Premier Hamm added that he is looking forward to maintaining a productive and constructive relationship with Mayor Kelly and Halifax Regional Council.

"It's clear that Mayor Kelly and I share the belief that all levels of government have a responsibility to work together in the best interests of the taxpayer," said the Premier, who has met privately with several mayors and municipal councillors throughout the province in recent months.

"Municipal government is the level closest to the people and my government will do its part to support their efforts," Premier Hamm said.


Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.