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Media Room

Note To Editors

(Wednesday, November 15, 2000)-- Old Man Winter will soon be here and the Halifax Regional Municipality's snow and ice control crews are preparing for the busy season ahead.

Most motorists only travel down HRM's many steep hills after they are plowed, but how would you like to be the first one down in a blinding snow storm or during freezing rain or ice conditions? Who says dump trucks can't do 360's?

Or how would you like to have to manouevre a five-ton plow down a narrow side street, with parked cars on either side? You may not want to do it, but HRM crews have to do it to keep our streets and roads passable and clear. So, if you want to find out more, this is your invitation to participate in a Ride-Along.

In an effort for the public to better understand and appreciate the many difficulties snow and ice crews face each time it snows or the temperature dips below freezing, the HRM Corporate Communications Office is trying to arrange a Ride-Along Program for those media outlets interested in getting a first-hand look at winter through the windshield of a five-ton snow plow or salt truck.

Before we can set-up a program, we have to know how many media outlets are interested in riding-along with one of our plow operator's during a storm? If there is enough interest, the plan is to partner each media outlet with a snow plow operator so they can make their own arrangements about when, where and how to meet and cover the first snow storm or freezing/ice conditions-- together.

If your media outlet is interested in participating, please contact Juanita Hartlen in the Corporate Communications Office at (902) 490-4026 to confirm a spot. If you know the name now of the reporter/camera person/videographer who will be representing your organization, please give the name and contact number. (Please keep in mind that quarters are tight in the cabs of these huge snow plows, so there is only room for one media person per vehicle.) If there is sufficient interest, a media briefing will be held soon.

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John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.