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An Invitation

Mayor and Councillors To Tour HRM 23 Districts

(Thursday, November 23/2000)-- Members of the media are invited to attend a Council Orientation Tour of the 23 Districts throughout the Halifax Regional Municipality on Monday, December 4, 2000.

Although primarily designed for newly-elected Members of Halifax Regional Council, the tour will provide an opportunity for all Councillors to become more familiar with the geography, boundaries and various issues of each District.

This one-day "snapshot" tour affords each Councillor the opportunity to introduce their District to their Council colleagues, senior staff and the media on the tour. It will also provide valuable feedback for a more comprehensive two-to- three day tour of the Region being planned for next Spring.

Members of the media may join the tour at the MicMac Mall at 7:45 a.m. or they may pick up the tour at either one of the three or four stops planned throughout the day. (see itinerary attached). To ensure seats for everyone on the bus, please confirm your attendance with the HRM Councillor's Support Office at 490-4050.

Date: Monday, December 4, 2000

Start/Finish: 8:00 am - 5:30 p.m. (9.5 hours)

Tour Start Location: Mic Mac Mall Parking Lot, across from Toys-R-Us (free parking at own risk) Councillors, staff and media are urged to be at this location between 7:30-7:45 a.m.

Lunch & Snacks: Provided

Proposed Order of District Tours: 10, 8, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 18, 17, 14, 13, 12, 11, 15, 16, 9, 6, and 7.

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Councillors Support Office
(902) 490-4050

John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

MUNICIPAL TOUR - Halifax Regional Municipality

Districts: 10, 8, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 18, 17, 14, 13, 12, 11, 15, 16, 9, 6 & 7

Date: Monday, December 4, 2000

Time: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm (9.5 hours)

Distance: 450 km.

7:15 am Motorcoach arrives at Mic Mac Mall parking lot.

7:30 am Mayor, councillors, staff and media arrive at Mic Mac Mall.

Coffee and muffins available.

Vehicles may be parked at Mic Mac Mall parking lot at owner's risk.

7:45 am Mayor, councillors, staff and media board motorcoach.

Greetings & Introductions.

Itinerary and route maps are passed out.

8:00 am Depart Mic Mac Mall.

Travel through District 10 towards Alderney Gate.

Briefing by Councillor John Cunningham.

8:15 am Travel through District 8.

Briefing by Councillor Bruce Hetherington.

Visit the Spicer Building on the motorcoach

8:20 am Arrive Fisherman's Cove.

View site by motorcoach.

8:30 am Travel through District 5 towards Hartlen's Point Golf Course.

Briefing by Councillor Harry McInroy.

8:45 am Travel to Rainbow Haven Provincial Beach Park.

Observe new Salt Marsh Trail.

9:00 am Drive into District 4.

Briefing by Councillor Ron Cooper.

9:15 am Site Visit #1: Lake Major Water Treatment Plant

Staff guided tour.

Washroom facilities available.

Refreshments served.

10:00 am Travel through District 3 via West & East Lawrencetown, Grand Desert, etc... Briefing by Councillor Keith Colwell.

10:15 am Enter into District 1.

Briefing by Councillor Steve Streatch.

Note: during this leg of the tour staff will conduct a survey with Mayor and Councillors regarding content of a more comprehensive tour planned for the Spring of 2001.

10:30 am Arrive Musquodoboit Harbour.

View Train Station Museum

Head north to Elderbank via Route 357.

10:50 am Arrive Elderbank, travel towards District 2.

Pass through Devon.

Briefing by Councillor Gary Hines.

11:30 am Arrive at Areo Tech. Business Park and take Highway 102 almost to the HRM border and take the Oakfield turnoff at Grand Lake.

Travel Route 2 to Fall River.

12:00 noon Lunch Site: Fall River Recreation Centre.

Buffett lunch.

Washroom facilities available.

Meet staff and members of the community.

1:00 pm Reboard motorcoach.

1:15 pm Travel through District 19. Briefing by Councillor Brad Johns.

Turn at HRM/Hants County border.

1:30 pm Travel through District 20.

Briefing by Councillor Bob Harvey.

Visit Acadia School on the motorcoach

1:40 pm Travel through District 21.

Briefing by Councillor Len Goucher.

1:50 pm Travel into District 22.

Briefing by Councillor Reg Rankin.

2:10 pm Enter District 23.

Briefing by Councillor Gary Meade.

2:30 pm Travel to the HRM/Lunenburg County Boarder on Route 3.

Return via Route 103.

Visit Otter Lake site by motorcoach.

(Stretch legs at facility)

2:45 pm Travel towards Halifax, via Timberlea, Lakeside, Beechville.

Enter District Travel to 18.

Briefing by Councillor Steve Adams.

Travel through Harriestfield, Sambro, and Herring Cove.

3:15 pm Enter District 17.

Briefing by Linda Mosher.

3:30 pm Circle Halifax Peninsula.

Visit Districts 14, 13, 12, 11.

Briefing by Councillors Sheila Fougere

Briefing by Councillors Sue Uteck

Briefing by Councillors Dawn Sloane

Briefing by Councillors Jerry Blumenthal.

4:05 pm Travel through District 15.

Briefing by Councillor Russell Walker.

4:15 pm Enter the Bayers Lake Industrial Park.

Briefing by Councillor Diana Whalen.

4:20 pm Site Visit # 2: HRM Recycling and Composting Facility

Washroom facilities available.

4:45 pm Travel to back to Dartmouth.

4:50 pm Travel through District 9.

Briefing by Councillor Jim Smith.

Visit Burnside Industrial Park and Highfield Park/North Dartmouth.

5:00 pm Take Burnside Expressway to the Waverley Road and enter District 6.

Briefing by Councillor Brian Warshick.

5:15 pm Enter District 7.

Briefing by Councillor Condo Sarto.

5:30 pm Arrive back at Mic Mac Mall.

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.