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Adams Defends Spryfield Crime Stats
(Tuesday, December 5/2000)-- The people and community of Spryfield are getting a bad rap from the media and others regarding criminal activity in the area and recent 1999 crime statistics released by Halifax Regional Police prove it, says District 18 Councillor Stephen Adams.
The Councillor for Spryfield/Herring Cove says that by his calculation, the statistics place Spryfield in fifth place in terms of lowest crime rate, compared to the total of 14 Districts that are protected by the Halifax Regional Police.
"I have been saying this for some time...I even challenged the media to ask for the crime stats and see for themselves, but no one took me up on the offer. It still irks me that whenever there is an incident in Spryfield, its makes the front page or is the top story on the Six O'Clock News. Crime doesn't seem to get the same play when it happens in other Districts, " he said.
Councillor Adams said the incidence of crime in Spryfield rated about average, or in many cases below the average, when compared to statistics for the other Districts. For example:
Councillor Stephen Adams
(902) 497-8818