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"Operation Fresh Start" Targets Illegal Signage

(Monday, December 11/2000)-- Mayor Peter Kelly today announced details of a major initiative by the Halifax Regional Municipality and some major private sector partners to remove, and discourage the future posting of , illegal advertising signs within the region.

Beginning this coming Thursday (December 14, 2000), a number HRM municipal S.W.A.P. (Signs Without A Permit) teams will be targeting various streets throughout the municipality to remove all illegal advertising signs, posters, etc, --including mobile signs.

Violators identified under "Operation Fresh Start" may be prosecuted under the various by-laws and ordinances respecting illegal signage. It may be illegal to post/erect an advertising sign on private or municipal property without a permit.

Mayor Kelly told a news conference at City Hall today that the public/private sector combined effort is in response to the growing number of complaints from the business community and the general public regarding the illegal posting of signs, posters, handbills and other notices on lampposts, communication poles and other municipally-owned or private property.

Representatives of the Downtown Halifax Business Commission, the Downtown Dartmouth Development Corporation, the Spring Garden Road Merchant's Association and the soon-to-be-formed Quinpool Road business association and Nova Scotia Power Inc. attended the news conference in support of clean-up campaign. The business associations pledged to assist municipal staff in the clean-up of targeted streets in their district.

Operation Fresh Start will begin on Thursday, December 14, 2000. The first districts targeted for removal of illegal signage are:

Western Region: Quinpool Road, Spring Garden Road, Chain Lake Drive

Central Region: Sackville Drive, Bedford Highway

Eastern Region: Portland Street, Cole Harbour Road, Main Street

The Mayor said he hoped that all citizens of HRM would respond positively to the efforts by HRM and the business community to remove the existing illegal advertising materials by doing their part to keep their neighbourhoods and areas free of signs, posters, handbills, etc.

"We want to set an example for others that the Halifax Regional Municipality is a community that cares about how we look, and that its citizens take tremendous pride in keeping their community clean and neat in appearance. As a local government, we try to do the best job that we can with available resources, but we can't do all that needs to be done without the help of our community, " Mayor Kelly said.

The Mayor said HRM will be raising the concept of Community Bulletin Boards with the various business commissions. These boards could be centrally located in the business districts and would provide a venue for the posting of advertising and promotion materials for various community events. ( Note: The Spring Garden Road Merchants' Association now sponsors one at the corner of Spring Garden Road and Dresden Row.)

HRM business units participating in Operation Fresh Start include Planning and Development (By-Law Enforcement, Inspection Services, Subdivision and Approval sections) and Public Works and Transportation Services.

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(There will be a photo/video opportunity with Mayor Kelly and a S.W.A.P team removing illegal advertising signs on Thursday, December 14th. The media are asked to meet at the corner of Spring Garden Road and Queen Streets at 9:30 a.m.)

Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.