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Media Advisory

Point Pleasant Park Re-Opened to Public

(Tuesday, December 19/2000)-- Point Pleasant Park was re-opened to the public at approximately 11:15 this morning.

Parks and Natural Services crews were able to clear approximately 12 trees that had fallen across roads and paths in the Park yesterday, as a result of the high winds. Upwards of 30 additional trees were knocked down in the wooded sections of the Park.

Power and communication lines remain down in areas of the Park, and electricity to the Park has been cut in the interest of safety for the work crews and general public.

Winds gusting up to 90 kilometres per hour are forecast for this area this evening, so Parks and Natural Services officials caution that they may be forced to close the Park again to citizens in the interest of public safety. They will continue to monitor the situation this afternoon and into the evening.

HRM wishes to thank the public for its co-operation regarding these temporary Park closures.

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John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officers

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.