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(Wednesday, January 3/2001)-- Halifax Regional Municipality's Ice Thickness Testing Program is in operation again this season. HRM staff will perform ice testing within the next few days, and the first report should be complete for early next week.

The HRM Ice Thickness Information Line will be available through The Chronicle Herald and The Mail Star's "Herald Line."

This Information Line is a free public service to residents and visitors within HRM and can be accessed 24- hours a day. Approximately 80 lakes, mostly in the urban core, will be tested on a regular basis by trained Parks and Natural Services workers in the Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, Sackville, Hammonds Plains and Cole Harbour areas.

The public is reminded that The Canadian Red Cross recommends that ice be at least 6 inches thick for individual skating and at least 8 inches thick for group skating. Extreme caution is advised in areas where streams flow into and out of the lakes. Ice conditions may vary over the entire surface of the lakes and are subject to change with weather conditions.

HRM reminds all citizens to make certain that ice conditions are safe and urges them to exercise extreme caution when walking, skating or participating in other outdoor events on frozen lakes this winter season

To access the Ice Thickness Information Line, call 425-2255, enter index code 5253 and then Dial 1 (for lakes from Halifax to Peggy's Cove), Dial 2 (for lakes in Dartmouth), Dial 3 (for lakes in Bedford, Sackville and Fall River) or Dial 4 (lakes in Eastern Passage to Porter's Lake areas).

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John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.