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News Release

For Immediate Release
Thursday, January 4,2001

HRM Fire & Emergency Services Station #11-SackvilleTemporarily Closed

Halifax N.S., Structural problems ,which have been determined over the past few days at HRM's Fire & Emergency Services Station #11 on Patton Road, Lower Sackville, will result in the Station being temporarily closed, effective immediately, while further tests and repairs are carried out.

An inspection of the premises on January 04, 2001 determined that an ice build up and subsequent water infiltration from the roof has saturated insulation creating an overload on the structural supports. Water damage has also spread to other areas of the structure causing wood rot and mold problems. Due to Health and Safety concerns for members working out of Station #11, it will be closed temporarily for repairs. In order to ensure sufficient manpower is available for response in that district, the engine crew in Station #10 (Millwood) will be maintained with a minimum four individuals.

It is estimated that Station #11 may be closed for approximately four-six weeks while repairs can be made to the building.

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Contact: Lori Patterson
Acting Corporate Communications Officer



Steve Thurber
Deputy Chief, Operations Division
Fire & Emergency Service
(902) 490-5542

Bruce Burrell
Manager, Health & Safety
Fire & Emergency Service
(902) 490-5542
(902) 430-377 2

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.