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North Preston School Children to Embark on Train Trip to Truro

(February 21,2001) Sixty-two school children from North Preston will embark on a train trip to Truro on Thursday, February 22nd, courtesy of VIA Rail, Nelson Whynder School, the RCMP Community Office for the Black Cultural Centre and Constable Roddie O'Handley, the RCMP Community Officer for the Centre. The school children will stay overnight in Truro and participate in a number of recreational activities hosted by the Baptist Church, before returning home by train on Friday, February 23rd.

HRM District 3 Preston-Porter's Lake Councillor, Keith Colwell, wishes to congratulate the RCMP Community Office for the Black Cultural Centre , Constable O'Handley, VIA Rail and all others who have contributed to making this recreational outing possible for the school children. Councillor Colwell says" The efforts made by the RCMP, CN Rail and the others involved in the excursion to Truro, will provide a huge benefit to the children from Nelson Whynder School." He adds "The trip will provide a much- needed recreational outlet for these kids, who do not have the benefit of any type of recreational facility in their area.. These types of outings , wonderful as they are and organized through the sincere efforts of many different groups, do not replace, but merely emphasize the need for a new recreational facility in North Preston."

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Contact: Councillor Keith Colwell
HRM District 3, Preston-Porter's Lake
Tel: 827-4550
Cell: 497-3380
Fax: 827-5228

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.