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News Release

Halifax Transit's Passenger Survey A Success

(Friday, March 9, 2001)--In an effort to provide better service to its valued customers, Halifax Transit conducted an onboard passenger survey during the latter part of January, 2001. Representatives from Halifax Transit asked passengers to fill out a paper survey as they boarded the bus. The survey period ran from January 22nd - February 23rd, and was designed to cover such topics as service levels and convenience of routes.

Halifax Transit wishes to thank its customers for the overwhelming response to the questionnaire. The information derived will be beneficial in determining transit service requirements and will provide a basis for developing future transit plans.

"We feel it is important to understand why, when and how our customers use Halifax Transit," explained Kenny Silver, Planning & Development Coordinator for Halifax Transit. "We wanted to find out what we are doing well and what needs to be improved to encourage passengers to use Halifax Transit more often. We're very pleased with the response from our customers and look forward to getting started on some new initiatives."

Each person who filled in a survey was given an opportunity to enter a draw to win a free Metro Pass. The winners are Cathy McInnis and Helen MacDonald. The winners may contact Liz Kingston, HRM Marketing & Communications Consultant at 490-7101 to pick up their prizes.

Details about the findings of the survey will be issued once the results have been tabulated. Highlights from the results will also be published in the May issue of GoTimes.

Further information about Halifax Transit initiatives may be found on the HRM website at (follow the Halifax Transit links) or you can obtain a copy of GoTimes on buses, in the ferry terminals, at our 55 retail outlets, or by calling MetroInfo at 490-4000. For complete details on bus schedules and routes, please refer to the Riders' Guide schedule booklet or call MetroInfo at 490-4000.

-30-Kenny Silver, Planning & Development Coordinator
Halifax Transit

Liz Kingston, Marketing Consultant
HRM Marketing & Design Services

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.