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Second Annual Community Clean-Up" Campaign Announced

(Monday, May 7/2001)-- Now that the long winter is over, the Halifax Regional Municipality is preparing for another busy summer tourist season.

To make the entire region look its best for the thousands of tourists expected to visit HRM's many communities, the regional municipality is launching its second annual "Community Clean-up" campaign.

Mayor Peter Kelly and Members of Halifax Regional Council are urging residents to once again show off their community pride by organizing litter clean-up events in their neighbourhoods during the months of May and June.

Local businesses, service clubs, schools, ratepayer associations, citizen and other groups, and individuals are being asked to participate in the region-wide campaign. More than 50 groups or individuals from throughout the region organized neighbourhood litter clean-ups during the first "Community Clean-Up" campaign last year.

Parks and playing fields, lakeshores and coastal areas, downtown and shopping areas, roadsides, school yards and vacant lots in neighborhoods are among the areas targeted for clean-up.

Mayor Kelly said "As Nova Scotians, we take great pride in our communities and we want them to be looking their best for the thousands of visitors expected to tour our region this coming summer. Naturally, we don't want our visitors to see any area or community littered with trash, paper or other discarded materials. The vast majority of our citizens take extreme pride in their property and in their communities in general. We simply want to clean-up the sore spots with this campaign."

Groups or individuals wanting to participate in the campaign are asked to register on the HRM website or to contact the HRM Corporate Call Center. (490-4000 or Toll Free 1-800-835-6428, daily, from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.)

HRM will provide information on How to Organize a Clean-up Event, and provide a limited amount of green and blue collection bags, as well as latex gloves, for the pick-up crews.

The "Community Clean-Up" campaign is not intended to compete with, or overshadow in any way, existing anti-litter and pick-up campaigns organized by various other public and private organizations. It is intended to compliment these efforts, such as the Province's "Adopt-A-Highway" program and the Clean Nova Scotia Foundation's "Great Pick-Me Up" program.

In addition to the "Community Clean-Up" campaign, crews from HRM's Public Works and Transportation unit and Parks and Recreation Services will be carrying out their budgeted spring/summer clean-up and maintenance program.

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Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.